Friday, May 23, 2014

Yep, starting all over again......

but this time, I'm doing it on the flat map.  Which, I have to say, is quite a different experience from the beautifully colorful island map I've been playing on so far.  And I have to say,  I HATE IT (when I started)!  But on the other hand, I LOVE IT(now that I've progressed)!

Yes, a bit of a contradiction, I know.  But that's me.  I make no sense even to myself sometimes.  But then again, there are a few reasons for each sentiment that come with this flat map.  Especially after playing the other map.  Almost a guilty feeling for liking this map as much as I do because the other map was so much more beautiful in a colorful way.  Not that this map doesn't have its own beauty.  It's a minimalist's dream.   The old-style skyblock.  But on to why I hate it and love it, maybe so I can rationalize (me and rational.....) my feelings and expectations for this map. 

The reason I can't stand this map is because it's so SMALL.  I mean, really, really small.  Well, actually it is bigger than the original skyblock or even some of the other skyblock maps available.  But after playing so long on the other island it feel so ....cramped.  And the more stuff I get, trees, cobble, ores, the smaller it feels.  I mean, I had to make my infinite water source using my bed as one of the walls o.o.  I'm sure that once I start expanding the map, this feeling will lessen but this cramped space I live in reminds me so much of my apartment........At least, here I can expand the room eventually. 

before fire there was the rack
The other reason I'm not so fond of this map is that in the beginning it just seems harder to get food.  The other map, at least in my case, was fairly generous in it's initial drops for apples and sapling.  This map, on the other hand, hardly dropped me any apples and sapling when I began.  It was so frustrating.  I was even resorting to fishing in the small pond to keep from staving. Good thing I had that drying rack?

However, after getting over my initial dislike for the map - probably because I abruptly had my adventure disturbed on the other map more than anything - the island has begun to grow on me - literally.  It's already expanded to include a manual tree farm, smeltery area and 2 floors going down into the basement area.  And with more space available, it begins to foster warmer feelings in me <3.  And my infinite water source turned into a mini-potato
limited space = multitasking
farm so I feel even better with my starvation fears slowly dissipating. 

And because this island map is so stark and barren compared to the other map, I feel even better about building my tofu-block structures.  Because that other island was really, really pretty.  It seemed almost a shame to be building all those ugly cobble monuments I was making all over the place.  It just didn't fit in with all that nice and colorful map.  Here though, I feel less intimidated (yes, it felt so bad every time I built those massive eyesores) about being ugly.  Not that this island isn't nice - I mean those glowstone bricks!  

Not really sure what my plans will be for the map now, maybe I'll just concentrate on doing more of my quests this time.  I am planning to make my mob farm again.  Though maybe a little differently.  Not really sure it will even work.  But if it does, it might be easier to work on - maybe.  It's still all in the head so not necessarily will it translate to an actual workable structure in reality.  And I'm working on making all those automation machines again.  I've already made my IE partner.  And I'm planning to make my AA soon - so I can get out of gravel work.  Not sure I'm going to do a 3 pulverizer system like last time though.  And still swaying between the auto farm annex or mob tower annex.  Which to do first..................


又、始まりました。イヤ、前回も前々回もその更なる前も自分で終了して遣り直していますが今回のは不意打ちの再スタートだったのでちょっと凹んでいました。 でもやり直しなので進む進む。Practice makes perfectですよ?パーフェクトじゃないですが。


でも、小さいんです。初代スカイ・ブロックや他のスカイ・ブロックに比べるとそうでもないんですが。今迄のマップに比べると小さいし、狭いし、モノを置く処が直ぐに無くなるんです。でも、この状況って自分のアパートみたいで嫌ですね?急いで島拡大に手を廻さねばなのです。急ぐのって嫌いなんです。ゆっくり、ノンビリ、マッタリがいいんです。 でもそうも逝っていられないです。ハイ。


ちょっとチラ見すると最終的にはピストンで落としてconveyor belt自動運搬ベルトで運んでgrinder又は串刺しにして出来上がり感じな?でもって、落とすの高くなくても良いかもが造る理由?けどピストン雲念だとメンド・・・・難しいかな的な感じな?

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