Thursday, May 1, 2014


Or maybe it’s just no longer true.  There are mobs that can spawn on the island as I found out when I was doing my first Agrarian Skies (AS).   I am now on my second AS……….Anyway, anything can be a learning lesson so the lesson from that was – once you get the bed, feel free to sleep the night away.  Obviously.  I forgot about that.  The bright side with this turn of event was that it’s really nice to be working in the daylight instead of grinding through the night.  I do need to work on those spawn points though – just gotta figure out where on earth do they spawn from.  Maybe from the island or maybe from *looks up to the sky*……
Another thing that came to light was that a wheat farm of three wheats is not going to work as a hunger management tool.  It grows too slowly and bone meal is only available in limited numbers (I don’t have mob grinder yet).  So I either need to do one of two things to solve this early food shortage problem.  I need to make a mob tower or I need to make more trees.  Guess which I picked?
The tree farm obviously.  1st tree farm  This requires very little resources, gives me more building resources, lets me compost and on top of that it feeds me with crunchy protein and apples, nom nom nom….. So with this in mind, I made a bunch of wooden slabs and started extending the island outwards between the water flow and the house.  A lower platform extending out, a dirt block and more slabs on the lower half of the dirt block as to prevent spawns.
Next what I need is charcoal.  So I can light up the island and more importantly so I can cook to make crunchy protein from the frying pan I got from the quest (I chose that over the axe because you get another axe from another quest anyway).  Logs I have a bunch of, so I need a furnace to cook it up.  For this I need cobblestone.  And there is no lava in sight or any stone to mine.  And I’m jumping ahead of myself anyway, so let’s start at the beginning.  Again.
So since I was redoing my adventure after being slaughtered by a bunch of skeletons (q.q), I start by build up some materials – wood plank, slabs, and a bunch of saplings.  Do the plank quest, do the submit mats quests, etc.  We do start of with only one block of dirt, but with the two additional tools I mentioned yesterday, it doesn’t have to stay that way.  And since that’s where we left off yesterday, we’ll pick up from there as well. 
First off we make a barrel *wooden barrels for dirt water clay*(ex nihilo).  This consists of 6 wooden planks and 1 wooden slab.  You can also make this later with stone but we’ll get to that later.  Place the wooden planks in the grid on the two end columns and the wooden slab on the bottom row between the two columns of planks to form a barrel.  While you can make just one early on with limited supplies, I went ahead and made three just in case I have a lot of saplings later on.  And also because I have enough wood to spare at the moment. 
Barrels are useful in skyblock because they serve several purposes – multitasking tools are great when resources are limited and somewhat finite.  Barrels can be used to compost organic material into dirt – and you can never have enough dirt in skyblock.  Left outside to gather rainwater, it can essentially act as an infinite water source.  Made into slime jelly by adding milk to water-filled barrels.  Water filled barrels with cobblestone or stone bricks placed in appropriate areas can also produce mossy versions of themselves and stone barrels can hold lava and also be used to make netherrack and end stone.
But right now I am interested in making dirt, so I place the newly made barrels inside of the house so it will not collect rain.  Because if it rains and you have it outside, the barrel will quickly fill with water and you will not be able to make dirt.  Anyway, once placed the barrels can now be filled with organic material like sapling, worms, fish, and apples.  Apparently  you can also use leave blocks but with no iron to make shears yet I’m currently limited to 4 mats to chose from.  Since hunger is a serious problem at this point, it really limits my choice to saplings because I need to eat my apples.  It takes approximately 8 saplings to fill a barrel.  Once the barrel is full and no other can be added you simply wait for the organic sluice to turn into a dirt block. 
Now there are several branches of thought I have at this point on what I can do with this dirt.  I can make a tree farm and make more dirt to keep on expanding.  I can infect some trees with a silkworm and collect some string to make a bed, sieve and fishing rod.  I can then use the sieve to collect rock pieces from the dirt – 4 rocks make 1 cobble stone.  And with cobble stone you can make a furnace for charcoal.  When I use the sieve I might also get various seeds from the dirt besides the stone.  Pondering on the wise course of action………..
And reached the conclusion that since I already died once to hostile mobs and I don’t want to do that again, I’m going to go ahead and make that sieve get stone seeds and other ores, bed and fishing rod.  But I will keep the dirt and make the tree farm for more composting mats and food because farming is still slow at this point.  Because they really aren’t related to each other – except in my head.  Also if I collect more saplings, I can make more dirt so I can eventually sieve the extra for more rock.  And get my furnace.
And with that we go back to the idea of the tree farm after making the bed.  The bed is important.  (and no, I didn’t mention Tinkers Construct yet even though I made them already)
TLDR Steps Summary
Read book.  Take bone meal and oak tree sapling.  Plant sapling and grow with bone meal.  Punch out 3 blocks of wood.  Make 12 planks.  Make a crafting table.  Left with 8 planks.  Turn in quests for plank and submitting plank.  Make more trees and collect saplings, apples and worms.  Keep 3 sapling in chest for emergency purposes.  Make the stations for tinker’s construct.  Chose the frying pan as a quest reward.  Make some stairs.  Place on edge to make jump-less access to house and dirt block.  Place the frying pan outside (shift-click it to the ground) near the hole.  Grow final tree and infect with worm.  Make 3 barrels (18 wood planks, 3 wood slabs).  Place barrels inside of the house.  Places excess saplings into barrel.  Go and collect string from infected leaves.  Make 3 wool block.  Make a bed.  Go to sleep at night.  Take dirt block from barrel.  Make wooden slabs.  Build out platform – lower and higher level.  Make lower level bigger and wider than higher level.  Make sure torches can not be placed on either platform = no mob spawns.  Place dirt block in higher platform slots.  At least four blocks away from fence would be good.  Grow the tree farm.  Make the sieve and fishing rod. Continue on another day….






          クエスト数分完成。ご褒美にフライング・パンを。Tinkers Construct作業場も完成。未だ使わないので説明無し。

で昨日も書いたと思いますが桶Barrelです。此方はex nihilo MODアイテムで使う事によって様々な材料が手に入る様になります。作り方はWood Plank6個とWood Slab1枚(丸石でも作れます)。クラフト台で一列目と三列目にWood Plank設置。二列目の三段目にWood Slab を設置したら完成。NEI MODも入っているので説明不足や如何しても作り方が思え出せない時は使って補われる優れもの。



追記:ベッドも作っています。Tinkers Constructs急遽作業場も出来ていたり。釣竿もSieveザルもです。ハイ。

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