We've done it! The most major accomplishment of this skyblock or of any skyblock! Our very first cobblestone generator. No skyblock would be complete without one. This is where it all began (q.q) At least, though, this skyblock is fairly nice. You can kill your sourceblock by accident and still not worry about having to start all over again < happens more frequently than you might think, I bet.
Enjoying the sunrise in the newly constructed barrel room |
At any rate, it's a major accomplishment. So, we deserve a little break. A pat yourself on the back, sort of moment. Now, we have some time to thank all the little things that were supporting us while we were working to get the generator built but never had a moment where we could let a little light shine on these things that made it happen. You know, that long, boring speech where they thank all the little plebeians that let them be great sort of thing. Before moving on to other bigger construction projects.
One of the things that constantly plagues us in the earlier moments of this particular map is the possibility of death by starvation. It's instant death. No mercy. It's a serious threat as food is extremely limited by how lucky you get in having an apple or a piece of protein drop from your tree. Unfortunately, since apples by themselves don't really resort all that much health and can't be considered a steady supply, another form of food source was always welcomed. Besides the drops you get from the trees, the other source of food that you might have been able to acquire was fish. Yes, you could have gone fishing, plain vanilla fishing to supplement your limited food resources.
One way you could have fished was the heads-up and toss method. You would be required to stand in the pool of water at the top of the stream, looked up and cast your line up into the sky. If you were lucky the line would land in the pond of water you were standing in and bob gently so you would know it successfully casted. A perfectly fine method of fishing if you don't have a tendency to fall into holes (there's a hole where the water flows down into the stream). Some of us do, you know? (Some of us still can't complete the first stage of Mario because we keep falling into that last hole before stage one can be completed - it's a blackhole that moves - you can stand on the edge and not move and the thing will still suck you in o.o).
For those of us who do have a tendency to fall into holes, we could do line
casting instead. The stream run uninterrupted and in a straight line after the first corner. The only problem was that the terrain under the water is a bit uneven so if you were to cast your line without 'fixing' the underwater blocks, the line would get caught in the block and you would be unable to fish successfully. Now, I am normally against removing blocks from a map that someone went through some difficulty to make - and on such a beautifully made map as this, it would be such a shame to desecrate.
See? Can't tell the changes to the landscape. |
But ..........it is underwater, after all. It's not like you're going to see it all the time sticking out like a sore thumb. The actual flow of the water itself is uninterrupted.........and besides we do need the food.......well, you can guess what happened to a few of the underwater blocks, I guess? <you could even recover the underwater blocks if you weren't so clutzy with water and water scaffolding. Could never place a block from water scaffolding without dying a few times for every block.
Anywayz, once we got the fish, we needed to cook it to eat - so it might restore us a little more health than it might otherwise. Cooked food or food that require more effort to make restore more health or have other benefits on this skyblock. So with that in mind, we have the choice of the frying pan or a drying rack. Both are from Tinkers Construct.
The frying pan (see the picture above) is one of the rewards you can chose from questing. Most people will chose it as a bonking weapon. I am not most people. Once placed (shift click on where you want to place it), you can put a fuel source in the left box and up to 4 uncooked food stacks in one of the eight boxes on the right. The pan will then cook all four types of food on that single fuel source at the same time. So if you have 1 coal and 1 mutton, 1 pork, 1 fish and 1 meat, you'll end up with 1 cooked mutton, pork, fish and steak on that single piece of coal. Thus even if you have four different types of food to cook, you don't have to keep switching it out like a furnace. And if you don't have a furnace yet, this thing can cook the food for you without it.
The other 'cooking' implement, which I remembered because I was getting all those wonderful rewards from the greater reward bags, is the drying rack.
Edible artwork |
So what was Plan 1, 6, 8 and 9 originally? Why, it was to automate the cobblestone generator, get a mob tower, get better renewable food, and get the smeltery started.
次に魚ですが生で食べるわけにも行きません。というかASでは『料理』された食物の方が健康管理により良い影響を自体に及ぼすそうです。ので生で食べるより何か手を加えた方が栄養価値が上がります。それなのに未だ竈も無かった時期では如何すればと思い役に立つ道具紹介です。その名前もFrying PanとDrying Rackです。
このFrying Panですがクエストのご褒美として貰えます。大抵の方は斧の方を選ばれると想いますが自分は敢えて料理道具を選びます。この鍋ですが便利なことに四種類の材料を同時に焼くことが出来ます。お負けに燃料は一種類焼く時と同じ量です。つまり肉が64個じゃが芋64個鶏が64個と魚が64個在っても肉64個を焼くだけの燃料で他の三種類も同時に焼ける経済的お鍋です。有難い一石2兆です。
でも燃料も惜しいと想う方の為に(自分は想いました)Drying Rack(要するに干し竿の様なもの)と言う便利道具もあります。これを家の壁にでも設置してクリックするとモノをぶら下げる様になれます。 大抵のモノをぶら下げるので家の模様替えにも便利です。シュールです。唯食べ物を干した場合燻製品が出来上がります。肉、鶏、羊、豚、魚、果てには怪物燻製も・・・・。と言う具合に家を華やかに飾って美味しく料理してくれる料理具です。一石二鳥です。
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