Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Yes, that lava, the essential missing piece of the cobble generator is finally being moved today!  (Well, I am kinda wanting to move it along now and write about some other stuff, for god's sake). How, you say? Why, why with a bucket, of course!

Now, if you did some of your quests up to now (unlike some of us - it's a good thing to have the foresight to follow the carefully planned instructional steps that were laid out for us by the kind creator JadedCat ), the one that required you to make a crucible also mentioned something about a clay bucket made with 3 pieces of clay.  At least I think it's my mom's Alzheimer's thing, it's really catchy.  And I maintain that story.

Anyhowz, we know that we have the option of a clay bucket at this point.  We also know of the option of an iron bucket from vanilla minecraft.  And we know that we can get some iron ingots by joining 4 pieces of the same type of iron ore into a block and baking it in a furnace to get an iron ingot. 

The clay bucket option.  The only problem with this option is that it's a one-time use only item.  Once you move that lava to the generator and plop the lava down, it's gone for good.  What happens if you miss and plop it down in the wrong spot - like the wrong end of the generator or you miss and the lava flows wildly.......things like that do happen, right?  You gotta think ahead of yourself.  (Of course, you could always make yourself another clay bucket............if you didn't look ahead of yourself too much and make way too many porcelain clays for all the crucibles you were gonna make later......and if you had more water in those barrels because the only way to fill it at the moment is with rainwater - and it doesn't rain much if you're sleeping all the time at night). 

The iron bucket option.  The only problem with this is - I still need enough ores for one more piece of iron ingot.  I have enough for two at the moment.  So, it would take some time - making dirt, sifting dirt, making stone, pounding stone, sifting gravel and so on and so forth until you come up with the iron pieces for the final ingot.  And then you'd need 8 pieces of cobble to make the furnace (yes, I know you can make the slab, so more dirt to make, more dirt to sift.

And the biggest problem with the iron bucket option is - I WANT A PAIR OF SHEERS!  Just your regular, old fashion, plain, old vanilla sheers (you can make them out of other metals but I don't have a smeltery at this point to make the required elements).  That you need TWO iron ingots to make.  And I have two iron ingots - or rather, enough ores to make a pair of sheers (do you count sheers as a pair?  random thought of the moment).  Why a pair of sheers, you ask?  Why to make more dirt, of course.  Because with sheers you can not only sheer a sheep, you can sheer a tree too.  Strip them neked, so to speak. o.o  And those leaves can be used in barrels to make dirt- later when you make your fishing sieve you can also use the leaves to get fish bait, cute little critters.  The process of dirt making would be enormously faster than using a crook to get a sapling to fall.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.  A lot of options (two is more than I want sometimes) does not a happy person make.  And after spending some moments pondering on this problem, I decide.............

To go make a pair of sheers.  To make more dirt.  To wait for rain.  To make more stone.  To make more iron.  To make more sand.  To make more dust.  And let nature decide for me. Mwahahahaha. 

Because with no water in my barrels, no clay to make a bucket, no iron to make a bucket, no stone to make a furnace, I decided to do all of it and let nature decide which bucket I was going to end up with.  If it rained and I had enough water in the buckets, I'd go make a clay bucket.  If it didn't rain and I kept making dirt, I could sift it for stone to make cobble to pound into gravel that I could sift for iron pieces to make an iron bucket.  It was a race to see what came first.  The iron or the rain.  Guess which happened first? (O.O)

And I got to turn in my quest.  And complete my first cobble generator. 

(Yes, it rained first)




と言う訳でバケツです。液体運びの基本道具、バケツです。 其処で質問です。どのバケツにしますか?鉄のバケツにしますか?それとも粘土のバケツにしますか?で又もや迷いました。二択選択でも多いと感じる瞬間です。ハイ。



続いて、鉄バケツです。鉄インゴットが必要です。既に二個程作れる材料は揃っています。砂利を振るって鉄屑Iron Oreを四個合わせれば鉄屑ブロックに、砂でもDustでも似たような鉄物を四個合わせる鉄何ブロックの出来上がりです。でも、未だ一個足りません。大事なのでもう一度。足りません。そしてその足りない鉄分を集める為に土を造り、石を作り、石を砕いて砂利を造り、砂利を振るって鉄分が出る迄繰り返し作業三昧です。

でも鉄バケツの一番の問題はこの面倒な繰り返し作業じゃないのです。では何かと言うと。自分鉄バサミSheersが欲しいんです!如何しても欲しいんです! 羊もいないのに欲しいんです。だって鉄バサミって羊を丸刈りするだけでなく木の葉っぱも丸刈りに出来たりもしますからです。ハイ。



鉄バサミを作って、土を作って、雨を待って、石を作って、鉄を作って、砂を造って、 Dustを造って、成り行きに任せることにしました。ワハハハハハハ~


クエスト無事終了しました。初代丸石製造機無事 完成です。ハイ。


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