Monday, May 19, 2014

My plumbing sucks

In real life and in AS.  Really, it does.  The water in my tub just refuses to go down for minutes on end.  My pipes in AS have a similar problem currently and refuses to take anything out of the mob drop chest and deposit them into their appropriate Jabba chest.  IRL I know I'm not at fault.  I assume that in AS, I am most likely at fault.  But either way, on with the build!

Yes, today we finally work our way around to building our fool proof mob tower - not as in - it has super efficiency or any thing like that. NO, it's like - at least this will work even if  you're a total fail at anything technical and complicated.  Because it's fool proof.  So even if you have difficulty counting to 8 sometimes it'll work for you.  Understood? 

And so we begin by laying out some cobble - on the ground.  And if I just explain everything it'll get really confusing so there will be quite a few pictures.  And all of this was done in a creative flat world because really, I can't be bothered to take photos when I'm actually doing this in AS - much too least in creative,  you can fly.  And if you can fly, the heights don't seem as bad........Anyway.
1 outlining is an important step

First, we layout our safe house outline.  Red is our starting block.  Green is where the ladder will be.  I tend to make it at least 5 wide so I can make an infinite water source upstairs later on.

2 look no supports
Next we pillar up.  The four corners and ladder block in red.  I normally build this around 24~26 blocks up for the first floor.  If I weren't in creative I'd have the water still in place at the bottom, just in case.  The pillars are not seen because after I pillared up and placed the side gray blocks, I placed the red block from the bottom as I was picking my way downwards.  Only the ladder pillar would be there to climb up.  You can now go up the ladder and build out your safe house by filling in the blocks to each corner.  No counting needed because you did it down on the ground.

3 safe house, done!
Here we have a view of the safe house - first floor.  I build the water source, place my chest for building supplies and keep my bed there.  It could be bigger but hey, this is just an example so we just stick to an infinite water source.  With this, we can now start working on the actually mob trap.

4 If you look closely......

Again we start with a bit of ground work.  This is a bit more important to be accurate on so we TRY to count a bit more carefully.  Starting at the purple block.  Count out 8 blocks.  Make a square to connect.  Make your water ways.  

5 Did you notice the water way was longer?
Test your water flow.  It is infinitely easier to correct a build on the ground than it is up in the sky.  After you've built up everything.  So test before you start building up.  Or........

If your test had gone correctly, the water would form a 2 x 2 square which this clearly does not. Be sure to fix the error now.

You can pillar up and mark the corners like you did for the safe house.  This does make it easier to mark the 30th block height.  Or..............

6 corners to line up
7 filling in the middle
you can fill in the 2 x 2 drop hole as seen in the picture and frame out the surrounding and build it up to the spawn pad and water ways.
Guess which I chose?

8 go around the square one by one until...

Once surrounded, start building up around the 2x2 center.  Going up about 30 blocks ensures that the majority of your mobs will be dead.  If not, don't worry.  You have things that can help you in AS.

9 up to 30
Yes, we did pillar up .  Just to mark the spot.  But we built up by going around the square.  More work for you but less nerve-racking for me.  It somehow much easier going up when I have to place the block on top of another block.  Less work for my shift finger anyway.

10 sealing up
The next step is the most important step you will take up here.  It will be a matter of life or death for you if you miss this step.

SEAL OFF THE DROP HOLE!  Normally, I do this with a snow block but since glass is readily available I use it instead.  Pick any block that is easier to break and easily distinguishable as the drop hole.  

11 leave one block to step up
Now start building out for eight blocks.  This is probably the only place you'll really need to count because we only did the 'ground work' for one spawn pad.  At the same time build upward by 2 blocks.  The bottom block will be for your water, the upper block will be for your trapdoors.  You did make some right?

12 Repeat for four spawn pads
Run some water through each water way to make sure it's the right length.  Just in case.  Especially for the two you didn't have a guide for.  If everything is ok, hop up and start placing your trapdoors.  You can use them to walk across the gaps. When all the trapdoors are in place, start connecting your corners to form your square spawn pads. 

When you are making your pads, you might also want to light them up.  Just in case.  And then build up your walls at least 3 blocks - 3rd block for the roof.  And build up your safe house too while you're going up. So when you build your next layer on the mob tower later, you'll have a platform to start on with your supplies.  If you feel like moving.

13 spawnable so a glowstone here
Finally, put your roof in place. Up to now, you've been using torches to light up the room.  Well, now that your roof is going into place and mobs could spawn up there too, we need something besides torches to kill two birds with one stone.  In your roof, you will be placing some of your glowstones.  Why?  

Because in order for your mob spawner to work, it needs to be in low or no light levels.  Normally most people do this by knocking out torches from the
14 bright and no torches
walls and floors as they leave the room before sealing it off.  The problem with this is, you are left to run around blind in the dark in a room with water leading to your death trap.  Not only can you accidentally fall in, since it will be dark, it is possible that mobs wills spawn in the room with you. One wrong move and say good bye skies. 

However, with a glowstone roof, you can remove the torches, make sure your trap is in order and then calmly walk out without fear of falling into your own trap because you couldn't see in the dark too well.  Now climb up to the top of the roof, and replace the glowstones with torches and cobblestones.  The roof will be light and the room will be dark.  You have completed the fool proof trap and now all that remains will be to collect your drops.  For the remaining mobs...........maybe we'll tackle that later.......







次に(10)落とし穴に蓋をします。落ちるのを防ぎましょう。だって、穴です。 普通落ちます。予防はした方が身のためです。自分を知るのも身のためです。ハイ。


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