Friday, May 2, 2014

(Q.Q) Restarting

I’m restarting again for the third time.  Not because I fell off, not because I was murdered, not because I starved.  I’m starting over because my CHESTS STOPPED WORKING.  And I don’t know why!!!!!  Maybe I clicked or did a key combination that caused the chests to do this.  Maybe the darn mod is just glitched.  I’ve no way of knowing and since no one else seems to be fussing at the moment about derpy chests I’ll assume it’s me and just restart.  Because if I can’t store things in chest (when I click to move things to the chest it just get thrown out of my inventory) it would be virtually impossible for me to continue I think. 
Other than these minor irritations with trolling chest, it’s still a fun game – about the only one where I haven’t turn to peaceful  - yet.  Might have to later but for now playing in normal mode seem good at least the mobs don’t seem to hit as hard as hard mode (XD)
Anyway, so I am doing the quests and building up of mats again, and since it’s the third time around, the going is pretty fast.  Thus far, I have made my TC corner, barrels, sieve and basic tree farm.  I’ve also expanded the tree farm platform so I might build out from there or add my storage system in place there later.  Not sure yet. 
I am also getting better at hunger management with the full tree farm and protein snacks.  Haven’t gotten down below the fourth bar yet since this third retry.  And since the tree farm platform is better built this time I think I might even be able to make a fishing area here this time.  Last time the platform was somewhat intrusive to fishing.  I might have to make the water way a bit lower at that end though, we’ll see.
At any rate, I seem to be collecting more mats at the moment and turning in more quests.  Even figured out how to turn on the mob spawn lighting grid.  F7 I love you!  It makes it so much easier to light things up.  And finally figured out why they were spawning at that time and not any earlier.  It was because earlier I stayed in the house which keeps every block within your 24 block range so the mobs wouldn’t spawn.  Whereas when I went outside to work in the yard, it removed me from the spawn block range on the outmost edge and it allowed some mobs to spawn there.  Thus mob massacre.  (Q.Q) Lesson learned, mystery solved, move on. (XD)  So I guess it wasn’t a lie <3

Now, if I can only figure out how to turn in the upgrade chest quest because I made it like the other stuff and even put it on, but it’s still not registering as completed. (q.q)

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