Monday, May 5, 2014

A busy weekend

In Agrarian Skies, that is.  Yes, we progressed and digressed quite a bit this weekend.  And will do so again today as well.  Here's a list of all the things we managed to do over the weekend!

1) Made a cobblestone generator.  Some time after - Made an automatic cobblestone generator.
2) Made a Mobtower.
3) Made a passive mob spawner - unintentionally.
4) Made a temp farm - intentionally.
5) Made a barrel room and moss generator room - pretty sunset <3
6) Made a SMELTERY! - which I don't know how to use - yet.

Yes, quite a lot done.  And I even had the time to take a nap a few times - I mean, I must have because I could've sworn I died a few times there - reading too long, eating a heart and getting knocked off unexpectedly.  But I figured I must have been imagining those things, as when I woke up, all those things I thought I had made before going to sleep were gone and I had to remake them again.  At least, I got to practice in my dreams, right?
At any rate, picking up my trail from where I last left off - the barrels, we moved on to the sieve. 
The sieve from ex nihilo is the most useful tool you will ever have in a skyblock map.  With this tool you can have virtually any and all ores, seeds and mats from any normal or modded map.  All it needs is gravel, sand, dust or souldust and it will expel any number of mats.  Iron, gold, aluminium, spores, crystals, glowdust, redstone, etc. all at your beck and call.  It just depends on what you chose to sift.  But in the beginning what we are really after is stone - which you can get from dirt.  (see why the tree farm is necessary?)
Once you get stone, you can Hammer (2 planks and 2 sticks)your way to dust.  Hammer, you say?  Another tool from ex nihilo (don't you just love this mod?) you can use the hammer to ground cobble (4 stones can be made into a cobblestone) into gravel.  Then hammer the gravel into sand then the sand to dust.  And we wanted dust.  Why?  Why, so we can make an unfired crucible.  Hope you haven't used up all the bonemeal q.q
Because you need 8 balls of clay (1 block of clay give you 4 balls of clay when you break it with your shovel - at least you can make a shove q.q).  AND 8 pieces of bonemeal to make the 8 porcelain clay - from which you make the crucible.  Oh, and the clay is made from the adding dust into the water barrel.  It all ties in with each other.
You can make an unfired crucible by baking it in a furnace.  And a furnace takes 8 stones to make - at least in normal minecraft.  And so I thought (imaging my chagrin when I realized that in AS it only needs 8 slabs q.q)  And once we cook this unfired crucible, WE CAN GO AND MAKE LAVA!  Yes, you can make LAVA!  Because placing a fire source - a torch for now - under the finished crucible lets you melt things like stone to make lava which really is just molten stone when you think about it.  

And the lava is the one missing piece of the puzzle you needed to start your progress foward - the standard by which all skyblocks start off with, which we have been missing so far.  THE COBBLE GENERATOR.  Or in this case, the cobble/gravel generator - at least in this skyblock this first generator can kill two birds with one stone. 


丸石製造機。 更に一歩進んで自動式丸石製造機も出来ました。

でもこれ等をセッセと進めるには先ず必要なモノは丸石製造機でした。で、その丸石製造機に必要になるのは溶岩LAVAです。でもってこのスカイブロックには何処を探してもないのです。(隠し土箱は在りましたが。姑息な。)なので作ることに取り掛かります。で、どうやって作るかというとCrucible (ex nihilo) と言う容器に石を入れて火で炙れば不思議と石が溶け溶岩が出来上がります。出来上がった物です。 <他にも色々と未だ日記に説明を載せていない物も先見出来たり。

Crucibleを造る過程としてはまず9個のPorcelain Clay磁器を用意します。磁器は骨分と粘土を混ぜ合わせて出来上がるモノです。粘土の作り方?前にも申したと思いますがもし夢だといけないのでもう一度言います。Dust粉末を水桶に導入すれば出来上がったりします。ハイ。

え? Dustは何処から来たかだって!?そこも夢でしたか、ハイ。夢と現実の境目が・・・・兎に角、先ずは丸石です。在りますよね?これは夢じゃなかった筈(日記を読み返してみる)。読み返し大事ですね(目を逸らします)。えっと、気を取り直して。

丸石です。土から掘り出します。と言うか振るい掛けます?兎に角、ザルSieveを用意することから始めます。Sieve(木材と糸の網で出来ます)というとex nihiloの七不思議道具(実際には七個在りませんが響きが良いので)の一つで土、砂利、砂、粉末、魂砂に右クリック(押しっぱなし)するとアラ不思議。それぞれ違う素材のお宝を落として下さいます。だからこそ不思議道具なのです。ダイヤ、草種、鉄屑、鉄粉末、鉄コロ、など色々のMODに使われる鉱石の素、土に使えば不思議効果の古代種とか様々なモノが手に入る一石何百鳥の万能道具です。

え?粉末を振るうのは良いが肝心な粉末は何処から来たかって?急がない急がない。気にしない気にしない。気になりますか?丸石です。土を振るうと石っころが出てきます。これを四個合わせると丸石が出来上がります。これを更にHAMMER金槌砕くと砂利に。砂利を砕くと砂に。砂を砕くと粉末Dustになっていきます。因みにこのHammerもex nihilo七不思議道具です。この様にして粘土が手に入り、粘土玉を(肝心なのは粘土を玉に粉砕してから使うこと。普通にマインクラフトで遣り方も同じです)骨分を合わせて磁器を作り、8個器の形に固めれば鍛治入れ前のUnfired Crucibleが出来ます。更にこれを竈に入れて焼けばやっとCrucibleが出来上がります。



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