Friday, May 16, 2014

Getting Distracted

Again.  I started playing with my planter and harvester.  And I both love it and hate it. I also played with my sludge boiler and I can see it might be replacing some of the pulverizers.  Already some things are becoming obsolete.

This was suppose to be my 'farming' area.  
Imagine the same extending to the left for a finished product

I had originally planned to have to seven pads on each sides extending outward for all my trees and plants.  There was also going to be a straight line out from the top extending to a tower for animals.   The pads would have a bunch of harvesters and other plant-related automations running each 'field'.

However, after playing with a simple set-up for a 3x3 area with a planter, harvester, fertilizer, wiring, batteries and a temporary sludge system, I might have to re-think my initial plans.  First of all, the darn thing produces a whole lot of mats in a relatively short period of time effortlessly.  Which is nice, but also makes me think that maybe I don't need to have all of the 14 pads set up with a 'field' full of these automations.  In fact, it did feel like a pad or two devoted to this purpose should sufficiently provide more than adequately for anything I might need.  

Secondly, and this was admittedly the reason I might not do a full blown scale of automation for the 14 pads, it was ugly.  And bulky.  Even by my standards. Maybe it was the way I set it up but from what I've been looking up this does seem to be the standard way in which one of these systems is suppose to work.  It is about 3 - 4 blocks high though and took a 5 x 5 area if you count in the wiring systems.  

**The problem also lies in my conceptualization for this skyblock - I was planning to have devoted areas - farming, magic, danger zones, electrical energies, etc.  So all my generators or power is being drawn from the backside of the original island.  Which currently means a lot of running back and forth with batteries as I have no wires installed yet.  And if I were to run wires, it just seems ....... unseemly?  Just not quite what I was envisioning when I was thinking up my plans for this island.  Goes to show you really shouldn't cement your plans until you know what you're up against.**

I suppose I could do one of two things now to help deal with this bulkiness problem I am having.  The first would be to bury the problem.  This means I would have a lower platform under the current platform and hide all the mechanics under the floor level and just leave the tops of the machines showing.  The other way would be to build up an outer wall.  I currently have the outer rim of the pads lined with glass.  I could instead make a wall of opaque blocks that would go up to the top level where the dirt and machine currently occupy.  This would mean that the current floor level will be 4 - 5 blocks low than the top level so you couldn't see it from there.  Of the two plans, I am currently leaning towards the later plan simply because I don't have to go downwards.  Up is so much easier.



実は機械弄りに請っている最中です。昨夜はPlanter植え機とHarvester収穫くんと手を取り合って、Fertilizer小屋氏に餌を与えてドロンドロンなSludge処分の為にSludge Boilerドロン変換機を行き来する羽目になって大変楽しく過ごしていました。


後、組み立ててみて分かったのですがこの自動式農業園ってかなり嵩張るシロモノです。高さが約4~5ブロック と幅の広さを5x5陣取る様です。見た目にもこう・・・・・剥き出し過ぎになっているようで想像していた綺麗で可愛い農園畑とは懸け離れたモノでした。


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