Monday, May 12, 2014


No, not the mob tower.  I just finished off the old manual cobblestone/gravel generator.  What were you thinking!? If I were to build a mob tower with this set-up, I'd need a lot more time to gather the mats needed to build it because a mob tower takes a lot of mats to build, whether it be cobble, wood or even snow. NO, no.  I am in no way ready to build a mob tower - even my type of simple, mostly idiot-proof mob tower.  Especially my idiot-proof mob tower because I waste a lot of mats unnecessarily.  However, it's really, really helpful if you have an aversion to heights to build it this way because having to be up high and counting out blocks at the same time can often be an extremely trying ordeal. 

So, first off, I needed some help in gathering more building mat, cobblestone and/or wood, efficiently and as effortlessly as possible.  Efficiently meant that this little helper was going to be easy to build without requiring a lot of resource to keep the production of new material up.  After all, I just started the skyblock and I don't have a lot of work with right now.  Effortlessly meant I needed something that could generate the mats by itself because my attention was currently going to be occupied by the gathering of other materials that this little helper was not going to be making.

And with this in mind, I visited the FTB wiki (here) and searched for Agrarian Skies.  Which resulted in a list of mods used in Agrarian Skies that I could look up.  Why not just look it up in game using NEI, you're thinking?    It's because I was unfamiliar with most of the mods in this pack and it was easiest when I actually had the mod list open in one window to look at and the game running at the same time.  Then I could open my inventory, type in @mod.modname to get a list of items that were available in that mod and look up the things that interested me.

Going down the mod list, I find several mods with machines which might be useful in making life easier up here in the skies.  And I'm all for easy.  But there was one in particular that I really wanted to know how to build - and I already knew what I wanted.  I wanted a machine that made me cobblestones all by its lovely self so I could concentrate on getting gravel from my old generator.  And I know it's in one of these packs.  I just couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called or what mod it was from. ( >.<).  Hence the search.

Applied Energistics, I'm not trying to be a rocket scientist here.  Bibliocraft, no, not into home decorating yet - though those shelves do look nice.  Big Reactors and Blood Magic, spooky stuff can come back around Halloween - I might be ready for you then.  Chickens and Codes.......sigh.  Exs I'm already over you.  Extra Utilities!!!!!! But you don't have it either.  I am coming back to you though <3 And so on and so forth, I went until I hit THERMAL EXPANSION 3.  Wouldn't you know it?  I should have started at the other end.  But the effort was not wasted as I did find some other interesting items that might be useful in making life easier and best to put in some effort early on so you can cruise later on, as I like to say.

Anywayz, in Thermal Expansion (TE) I found the miracle machine I wanted.  Well, I found a lot of other stuff as well along the way but really at this point for faster progression (or as fast as I can go) I really, really wanted the IGNEOUS EXTRUDER.(Why do they have to have these fancy names for these machines?  Makes it so hard to remember what it's called q.q)  Not only does it make infinite cobblestone on just 4 buckets of water and 4 buckets of lava, it can make smooth stone and obsidian - these two will consume the water and lava though so remember to refill the tanks if you haven't put in your piping yet.  

Self Contained Units - all machines should be like this
So what does one need to build an Igneous Extruder in Agrarian Skies?  To make an Ingenouse Extruder (practice makes perfect, repetition makes you remember), you need this. >>>
1 piston, check.  2 glass, check.
2 tin, check.  A machine frame, not yet. A pnuematic servo, what's that?
So, lets look up a machine frame and a pnuematic servo.  Needs 2 iron, 2 glass, 1 redstone for one and 4 glass, 4 iron and 1 gold for the other.
In total making one of these would require:
          3 wood planks
          4 cobblestones
          1+1 redstone
          1+2+4iron ingot
          2+2+4 glass
          2 tin ingots
          1 gold ingot

And then looking at the ingredients, you finally realize.  You can't make the automatic cobble generator yet.  You don't have any ingots.  You only have broken, crushed and pulverized ores.........sigh.  What, you didn't really think we were going to be able to make the generator today, did you?  You know better than that......first, we'll go make our smeltery (well, you could melt the ores in your furnace and proceed but that would be so normal and simple - not something that would occur to us until we finish doing everything the harder way first.  It's not like we forgot we could smelt ore blocks in a furnace too......)

P.S.: I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day! 





そこでNEI(Not Enough Items)MODを使う為、先ずはインベントリを開けゴマです。で、右側に見える数々のアイテムを一々調べ・・・・たくないですよね?ページ数だけで116です。アイテム数じゃなくページ数です。なので、先ずFTBのウィキィを調べる事から始めました。 こちらです。  因みにウィキィで役に立ちそうなMODを調べて、NEIに@mod.modname (modnameにはMODの名前を打ち込みます。)と打ち込めばそのMODで使用出来るアイテムだけが見れます。それを更にウィキィで調べていくお勉強会でした。

で、MOD数も半端ないです。先頭からザッと目を通してあれでもない、これでもない。アッッでもこれは欲しい、それも欲しい。と迷いながらやっと探し当てた例のモノ。幻の機材。楽々スカイブロックに先ず必要なお助け君、又の名はIgneous Extruderでした。Thermal Expansion MODからです。で、何ですかこのIngeous Extruder略してIEくん?IEくん又の名は自動丸石製造機です。ハイ。

自動なのです。 作って設置したら最後。何もしなくても丸石を次から次からと製造してくれるんです。楽々第一夫人です。最高なパートナーです。一緒放したくない相棒です。水と溶岩を一度与えれば際限無く丸石を作ってはチェストに収めてくれます。又、水と溶岩を消費しても構わない場合Smooth StoneもObsidianも造ってくれます。ダイヤピック必要無しにです。ダイヤ持ち腐れに慣れます。

で、ですね?このお助け君を作るにはですね色々と必要になるんですよ。ピストン一式。ガラス2個。Tinインゴット2個。Machine Frame マシン・フレームとpnuematic servo ニュマチック・サルボーとかも。 最後の2個はThermal Expansionで良く使われる機械部品だったりしますので余分に作ってもいいモノだったりします。で、Machine Frameに必要なのは鉄4個、金1個とガラス4個とpnuematic servoに必要なのは鉄2個、ガラス2個とレッド・ストン1個だったりします。

          3 板
          4 丸石
          1+1 レッド・ストン
          1+2+4 鉄インゴット
          2+2+4 ガラス
          2 tin インゴット
          1 金 インゴット



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