And instructions are partially included. Thank god for LPers on YouTube is all I can say.
Why did we sudden jump into a story about assembling MODs? <We'll get to it.............eventually. Hopefully by the end of today's recollections.
Well, picking up from where we last left off, I finally got my lava and all we really needed to do was move the darn thing into an old fashion cobble generator. After looking around and counting some blocks, I decided that the generator could be placed at the back of the house. Picking the back of the house for the generator spot comes with two benefits for me.
First off, it was relatively far away from the platform I had built for my tree farm. My all wooden tree farm. I have a bad habit of making my cobble generators too close to my tree farms and end up finding something going up in flames a number of times when I play skyblocks. Take a quick jaunt out to the mob tower and looks back to see a tower of flames. Never fails really.
Second, there was still nothing out there at the back of the house - only open air above and void below. It just screaming for me to do something back there and I did have a few things I wanted some space to build and they were things that I normally don't like having close to me anyway, you know thing like lots of lava, hostile mobs, bulky workstations and stuff. At least if it's in the back of the house, I don't have to see it unless I chose to go out, walk around the house and go visit the back area. Out of sight, out of mind.
*and if we keep getting off the tracks like this the mod part of the story is likely to be in tomorrow's entry*
Anyway, since I did get lucky in my reward bags - been getting a lot of jerkies (staved the starvation away a few times<3) and a set of angel blocks (for the generator) at this point - I was relieved that I would not have to build the generator out of dirt or even out of the island clay. I really like the island for all it's 'natural grace' so to speak and wanted to leave it intact as much as possible. I didn't really want to even place the initial crucible where I did because I had to remove a block or two. I did it there eventually though because it was close to water - just in case.
Of course, I suppose I could have made one of those lesser mat consuming models with better efficiency than the one I did make. One particular model I saw on PurpleMentat LP for Agrarian Skies seemed a much more logical choice. I know myself though. And I can see what will happen to me if I were to make that particular design. And though I did have some third thoughts (way past second thoughts) about making them with angel blocks, you gotta take some risks, after all.
What risk is there in making a cobblestone generator out of angel blocks, you're thinking? Ha, this is me we're talking about. If it's possible to make a mess of it, I probably will. In particular, it was the property of the angel block that did make me think thrice about it.
Angel blocks are wonderful blocks to work with, added on from the Extra Utilities MOD < another mod I'm having so much fun looking into. The most wonderful thing about this block is IT CAN BE PLACED IN MID AIR WITH NO SUPPORT. Meaning you can look at that space right at the edge of your skyblock, and think I want to build out in that direction. Normally, you'd kill your little pinky finger hanging on for dear life to place that block walking backward and looking down. Which would apparently be a really bad idea on this spot because the edges here are made with microblocks which don't really recognize the fact you are straining your pinky to cling to it - or so I hear. It's like eye candy, I suppose, serves no good purpose except to look good. There's a time to use it wisely, this wouldn't not be one of them.
Anyhowz, this is where the angel blocks would come in handy because of how they work. You don't have to strain your pinky (q.q baibai sore pinkies). Just look at the air block and BOOM - place it and it's suppose to go there - as long as it's not diagonal to you. You could then also make a staircase going up with this, no more torches to place blocks in mid air needed, etc. Just this alone would make it a wonderful block for me <3.
But it's got an even better property for skyblock. It returns to you. It's like a frisbee. It's like your dog with a ball. It's like a yoyo. Most blocks when you break them, might return to you but it might also drop down to feed the void monster. Which is good I suppose so it doesn't eat you but it does feel like a waste of good mats and time. Angel blocks, however, will alway return to your inventory when you break them so no more feeding the void monster with this block. Although, I do suppose, you could misthrow your frisbee, your dog could keep running, and your yoyo might get tangled up. Let's be optimistic though.
The only problem with this block though, is that it's extremely breakable. Which is good sometimes, but for me, in this case, it might prove otherwise. Just one hit and BAM - it'll be back in your inventory. So if you happen to make your cobble generator with this, and manage somehow to hit the angel block because your aim was bad, the block would return to your inventory. Now, if it were a block on your water side of the cobble generator this might not be so bad. Well, it might if you get swept away in the water and manage to fall of the edge I suppose......Anyway, if this were to happen on your lava side of things and the block holding the lava in place were to break. Let's just say, my luck with lava has not been very good. And jumping ahead of the story, take a look at the finished product.
To be continued tomorrow......(yes, I know we didn't get to the assemble part yet. It's coming............probably. Haven't even moved the lava yet q.q).
で、ですね?これ迄幾つかのクエストもコンプして(いきなりクエストの話です全然関係ないですが)宝箱成らん宝袋を貰っていたのですが主に食材だったりしました。否、このASでは食料って貴重ですからね美味しく飢えを凌がせて頂いていましたよ。お魚の燻製もお肉の燻製も美味しかったです。でも、ですね?食べられないお宝もゲットしていました。それがAngelBlockというextra utilities MODの追加ブロックだったのです。
その一。クエストって順調に進めると色々知ることが出来ますが色々悩まされます。 人間選択肢が多い程幸せとは限らないそうです。<実際の研究談だそうです。
で、ですね?これ迄幾つかのクエストもコンプして(いきなりクエストの話です全然関係ないですが)宝箱成らん宝袋を貰っていたのですが主に食材だったりしました。否、このASでは食料って貴重ですからね美味しく飢えを凌がせて頂いていましたよ。お魚の燻製もお肉の燻製も美味しかったです。でも、ですね?食べられないお宝もゲットしていました。それがAngelBlockというextra utilities MODの追加ブロックだったのです。
その一。クエストって順調に進めると色々知ることが出来ますが色々悩まされます。 人間選択肢が多い程幸せとは限らないそうです。<実際の研究談だそうです。
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