Friday, May 9, 2014

With plans in hand....

We really want a mob tower at this point.  We really do.  More than anything.  Because with a mob tower, we would no longer have to do yard work.  I mean, who likes doing yard work, any way?  Unless you're a yardman, of course.  

Chopping down trees.  It is not one of the most favorite things I can do in minecraft because you have to climb up the tree to chop off the occasional errant wood block that is holding up the leaf decaying procedure.  (And it's high up there and it's a rather long way from the ground, but that really has nothing to do with it.)  And you want the leaves all decayed, the sapling dropped and ready for replanting like yesterday.  Now if all trees were to grow a uniform height this would be no problem.  

One solution would be to to limit the growth of trees by placing a block above the tree to stunt its growth.  The other solution would be to chose a different type of wood to grow than oak.  Birch and Spruce trees would not have these errant branching problem that oak trees have.  

But the problem to those solution is..........I like oak tree because they grow so big, bushy and drop apples.  (I know I said I don't like it because it does that but I like it because it does too)  Now if I had someone else to do the dirty work for me, I can tell you, I'd have no problem with it.  But since I do have to do my own dirty work at this point, this overgrowing confused, apple tree is a problem. 

So, my solution?  Is to think on why do I need this abundance of apples, wood and saplings.  You should, after all, have a clear grasp on your problem if you're going to find a solution.  My answer - I need the oak tree's apples because right now it is one of my major food sources.  I need the wood for building mat and fuel for cooking.  I need the saplings because I need to make more dirt.  

Now, do I know what I need?  Yes.  Food, building mats, fuel and composting material.  How do I go about solving this then?  First things first, we need to eat to survive so we take care of the immediate problem first.

Well, we know if we are going to have a consistent source of better and more plentiful food, we are going to need a farm.  For a farm, we need dirt, water and something to plant so we can grow.  We know how to make dirt and since we built the cobble/grave generator we no longer need to sift the dirt for rocks.  This means that any dirt we make from this point on can be strictly devoted to the preservation of life - mainly ours.

before the dirt
And with this in mind, we build a temporary fast food farm area off to the side of the tree farm.  Now, having done this before in my dreams, I already know that when i build this I want to be careful not to block off the river flowing down into the void - so we can continue fishing.  Laying down the wooden slabs and fencing it in so we probably won't fly off the edge, we then lay down all the dirt we made and gathered since the generator was built.  But not all of it because this is suppose to be only a temporary food farm - until we finish our farmsville elsewhere.  

Farming is still a manual procedure at this point so we go and make a vanilla hoe (thank you JadedCat for letting us do that - even if you won't let us make a vanilla axe or sword q.q). 
the finished produce patch
A water source makes things grow faster so along one side between the dirt and rail, we place a source block of water (yes, I know there is a with some slabs to hold it in place.  And of course, the seeds we got from sifting dirt now become useful.  I picked the potato, carrot and grass seeds.  The potato once cooked fills one hunger bar and the carrot eaten raw will replenish some of the hunger bar but was ultimately better when used with the Juicer from Pam's mod as it lets you ultra-satisfy your hunger the more you drink it the longer you stay full.  But maybe we'll cover the details on that a little later when and if we ever get around to setting up a kitchen......

Hi there! Not ready to take in any residence yet but since you stopped by .......
But from the three seeds I chose, you might wonder why on earth I chose the grass seed?
  Well, knowing that Pam's food mod (HarvestCraft) with it's multitude of seeds is included in this pack, I thought it best to be planning ahead - so this patch of fast food can serve me in more than one way now.  Temp food now and future food prep. 
And apparently parts of this patch of land also seems to be far enough away from spawn that it will also more often then not spawn the occasional visitor.  Additional food....I mean, visitors are always a welcome sight.  Aren't you glad you had the foresight to plant that grass down so it would spawn those visitors.  Not like you were surprised when you first saw those wolves, cows, sheeps, chickens or pigs and suddenly remembered that grass does spawn, not like you forgot those things at all! o.o


『・・・・・と言う訳で本日より畑作りをしたいと想います。ハイ。・・・・・・ ガクブル

いえ、本当に先ず一番に第九目標達成に向かってLet's GO!ですね。(九番目が食料確保だったんです。)




兎に角畑目的で土地を整えました。鍬は普通に作れるので土と水を供えれば簡単に畑が出来ます。畑自体も小さいモノで水1ブロックで良い様に畑の外側に。木の園のすぐ横で川の流れを止めない様に立てて行きました。 植えるのはじゃが芋、人参、草の三種です。じゃが芋は一個に付き肉バーが一つ満たされますので簡単に満腹感を上げるのに食べます。人参はジュースに料理すれば満腹でも過剰気味に食べて満腹感を長い間保存できます。コンビプレイで二石二鳥。





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