Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Yes, I'm going to blame my lack of progress all on the fact that I was lagging badly. Because I was lagging. Couldn't place anything in my chests, every time I was clicking on my mouse buttons from my inventory screen, the darn thing would throw away whatever I had in my hand. I still tried but it got really tiring to try to throw a way a bunch of stuff and try to pick them up in the right order so you'd end up with the item you wanted in your inventory slot.  And it really had nothing to do with the fact that I spent my Memorial day weekend playing on Fiesta Online's tournament event instead.  Yep.

Anywayz, since I wasn't able to progress much on AS, I decided to do a look-back, as oppose to a look forward, so I can see what I forgot to mention as I was going along.  For example, the smeltery.  We did a brief overview of the smeltery on the last island because we wanted some ingots - and forgot that a furnace could smelt the ingots too.  Well, here's another reason you want a smeltery.

You want a smeltery because you need invar ingots to make an Autonomous Activator!  And you can't smelt your ores in a furnace to make invar ingots.  At least, I don't think you can.  But if you have a smeltery, you can make invar ingots by dumping in all your ores into the smeltery and it'll mix the ores up into other types of ores that you can't sift.  Like the invar.  Why do you have to dump all the ores in though?  Because I have no idea what combinations of ores combine to make the invar, of course.  Why else would I do that?

the melting pot with mystery meat included
The other thing about the smeltery that I just discovered this weekend?  It gives you some mysterious substances that no way could have come from an ore.  It was a eye-opening discovery.  Looked at my control panel and saw something that was not an ore.  Can you see it?  I mean, when I was making the thing over three blocks high, I did notice that the bottom pit area would show yellow cross marks with F7 on and I did think, hmmmmm~~~~.  Never really expected it to amount to much though.  Nice surprise I suppose?  Now, if only I knew what to do about it?

I like heads sticking up
And when I wasn't lagging I did manage to put AA-kun together
small and crowded
and he's now joined with a chest full of hammers to keep him busy.  Completely green, it is energy efficient and does not require additional power to run like a Pulverizer would.  Only more hammers.  Which made me think about my previous set-up with three pulverizers.  It was fast and very nice to have but it also took a nice chuck of energy to get running - and a lot of piping because I wanted my TNT generators far away from my working area.  My theme, thus far is being small and efficient, think green.  So this set up, along with another AA pairs to make sand and dust, might be where we're heading this time.  I'm liking it so far.  Probably will change it later though because the upper deck here is kinda cramped.

And the last time, I mentioned, I'm sure my ineptness at doing any sort of water scaffolding building.  I normally either drown or fall out of the water.  Before ever placing a block.  Multiple times.  So, on these modded skyblocks or skyblocks you play in later versions when redstone and iron is available to  you, I normally shaft my way down.  Here's how I do it.
your easy way down

stone pull down repeat
1) On your slab platform, place 6 cobble blocks.  The middle one that is missing is where you will be mining down to create a ladder shaft. And yes, you do place the cobble on top of the slab - this is so when you tunnel down, you'll know when to stop.  It'll look different so you don't have to worry about over mining.............

2)  Next you place a piston above one of the cobble blocks and keep on pushing down more cobble until the piston stops.  It stops at around 13 blocks.  I think.  You do the same for all 6 blocks.  The piston is placed 2 blocks above so you can place another cobble below it and push it down.
looking up from below
3)  You stand on the middle block and mine down until you hit the slab.  Then you can mine away the blocks surround you and have a 6 block slab foundation from which you can build out your platform. Once your platform is build out sufficiently, you can place the blocks back into your column to provide a safe ladder journey up and down your pad.

So, there you have it.  A look back to reflect on some points I didn't get to cover before.  And since last time our map was eaten by the Void, in the midst of farm city, I'm thinking maybe I'll go make a farming area off of the main platform for a simple tree farm and food farm.  Nothing too ambitious like last time.  And this time I'll have the TNT generator built next to the sludge room.  Just gotta think of a way to make it safe to approach.  Sound mufflers, piping, etc.  And yes, it's going to be a tnt generator first - even without a mob tower.  Because the WiseOnes have spoken and given me a bag of tnt as a reward.  And I'd rather put it to use instead of having it hanging around - just in case.

Memorial Dayの三日間の連休でした!

で、ラグのせいで進めなかったので代わりに今迄素っ飛ばしていた重要要素が幾つか在った事にも気付きました。立ち止まって位置を確認するのも大事です。ハイ。ので、気付いたことにLet's Goです。

先ずはSmeltery工房です。前にも一寸触れましたが以前はインゴット欲しさに造っていた利点しか挙げませんでした。竈でインゴット造りに気付かず造った工房ですがもっと重要な点が在ったんです。Invarとその他鉱石造りの為でした。わすれ・・・・ えっと、ザルから取れる鉱石だけでは機械化できません。その他にも必要になる鉱石を生み出す方法として工房を使うという事でした。何故なら竈では鉱石は混ざりませんが工房に投げ込めば蕩けた鉱石(厭らしい響きですね?) が混ざり合って新しい鉱石を誕生させてくれます。なので、片っ端から鉱石を工房に投げ込めばその内Invarも生まれてくれます。どの鉱石が親元に生っているのかは分からなくても大丈夫です。皆放り込みましょう。他にも色々と産まれてくれます。らんk・・・・ゴホンゴホン・・・・皆、愛し愛されて生まれるのです。
後、工房ですが今回は前回より一寸だけ壁を高くしてみました。 すると、ビックリ。操作パネルを除いたら明らかに鉱石では無い物体が混ざっていました。血です。ビックリです。でも、ですね?今回壁を高くして行く時にF7キーで工房の中を覗いていたんですが暗いんです。黄色い線だらけです。で、アッと思うところも在ったりしました。若しや沸くかなとか。で、矢張り沸いたそうです。でもご対面は無いので嬉しい限りです。この血って何に使うのか未だ分かりませんがその内魔界の扉を開くかもなMODの為だったりするのかもですね?


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