Thursday, May 29, 2014

What I need....

is someone to play with me so they can keep me on track, cuz darn it, I just keep getting distracted.  It's upsetting how easily I stray off the beaten path.  Like that brownie just gotta wink at me and I'm already off my low carb diet.   But then again, who could resist a winking brownie?

So, here I thought I'd start doing stuff to get at least a tree farm up and running.  Where am I now?  On the 2nd floor under the base, trying to move inventory around.  Because my chest inventories on the top floor is mostly all full, mostly all over the place, and my personal inventory is so full I can only sift one gravel before I need to shift inventory all over again.  It's enough to drive a person crazy.

Yep, so how do I start off making more space?  Make more chests, of course. Specialized chest from Jabba.  I just love these things.  I can see where I store all mine things without looking into the chest all the time - cuz I used to spend a lot of times looking in a lot of chest before this.  Now all I have to do is look at the chest and I can tell what is in it.  Without any picture frames even.

Now, that I've started this though I do see how I'll probably be using this 2nd floor space eventually.  Because I made the room with no idea what was going to happen there.  And I might just end up working on this first so I can make easier progress later.  Besides storing all the stuff that I get from sifting, I'll probably store all my autonomous activators here to work on sifting. Maybe one room for each type of sifting.  Though I mostly tend to sift gravel, I do like sand for glass and dust for glowstone and redstone.  Since I don't have any other alternatives to these resources yet, I'll probably set up a hammer center to make sand and dust too.  So 1 room for a sand maker, 1 room for a dust maker, 1 room for a gravel sifter and 1 room for the dust sifter.  At least for now. 

After that?  More sifting and pounding for a while.  Stay tooned?
a moss gathering center - since I had the time.

* was trying to get this posted yesterday but kept crashing somehow when I tried posting some pics with this.  And my smeltery was taking a dive too.  Had a lot of ores in it and when I looked at the panel........nothing.  When I went to pour out a block or ingot, it'd come out but look at the panel.........nothing. Kept on pouring out all my glass from in there and finally when I looked in my was back to normal.  Probably I just overloaded the poor thing.  Hopefully, that's what it was.......





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