So instead, let's go back to Mariculture. Because that's what we were working on, after all. And because with the construction completed on our fishing pond, we can now go play with some toys that come with the Mariculture pack. Like that Vat I plopped down earlier because of a full inventory. What's a vat? Well, I'll come to that soon (read as - in a day or two, if you're lucky).
Now, in Mariculture - at least in the Ag Skies' Mariculture, you can fish up a variety of fishes (some have to be breed, apparently) in any environment. In a normal Mariculture world, you'd probably have to go look for the right environment for the fish. Aren't we lucky up here? But what's so good about having different fishes, you may think?
Well, if you're familiar with bees - I'm not (o.o) - Mariculture fishes seem similar to them. Fishes, when various means of tortu.......ahem, fish
end product = fish oil + leather |
So we start out with the fishing poles. The simplest of fishing poles added by Mariculture is the pole you receive from the quest - the reed rod. It's made with 3 pieces of sugar cane and 2 pieces of string, same as a vanilla rod. Unlike the vanilla rod, these Mariculture rods need bait to catch fish. Which is where the Mariculture sifter comes in (you made this earlier in your quest). You sift various organic matter - like leaves, dirt, rotten flesh, etc. - to shake out the bait that live in them. Bait, like worms, crickets, and ants (and although you can eat this bait, it is highly ill-advised. DON'T DO IT q.q). With some rods, you can even use bread. Each rod has different baits they use so press 'shift' to get the list.
では上位の釣り竿の方がより良い魚が釣れるかというとそうでも有りません。上位の竿で釣れるのは上位な塵です。この塵が実際の狙いで上位の釣り竿が欲しくなります。例えば笹竿の次には木の漆竿モドキWooden Rodがあります。この竿は普通のマインクラフトの竿に見えても一工夫をしてから出ないと作れない竿です。唯の木の枝では作れません。でも手間暇掛けて作ったお陰で真珠やレコードやサンゴブロックとか釣れるようになりました。又この真珠とかで様々なモノも作れたりしますからもっと釣りたくなります。貝も釣れるように成りたいですが其れには次の上位竿TitaniumRodチタン製竿が必要でこれに必要な材料Rutileですが・・・・・ネザーにあります。やはりネザー逝き決定でしょうか?明日の運命は如何に?それとも回避出来るのでしょうか?できるのなら夢は見たく有りません。でもどうでしょうかネ?
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