Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I think it died.......

Cuz it's refusing to turn on q.q  But never fear!  I took the liberties of copying some of my files from the laptop before shutting it down the last time.  What foresight o.o  Yeah, like no one would think of doing that when their pc starts acting this way.  Anywayz, at least, I still get to continue my AS adventures.  On my dinosaur desktop.  About 6 years and still running.  Barely.......sighs.

At any rate, I did manage, between water spills and praying like crazy for a blue light to go on, to get a basic tree farm up and running.  At least one of my goals have been met.  Nice to have set such high goals, no?  No? Onwards.....

This tiny 5x5 farm, runs with the help of a Planter, Harvester and Sludge Boiler from MineFactory Reloaded.  All three units require some form of energy to run.  For the planter and harvester, I used a lava generator connecting from the third floor basement.  The Sludge Boiler, being dangerous to approach when in use, gets to have its power provided by an equally dangerous generator - the tnt generator.  All five of them.  They're contained in their own room. 

The basic Planter and Harvester seem to cover a 3x3 area but with an upgrade chip installed, the farmable area can be increased like the picture notes.  It seems you have to upgrade both the planter and harvester to the same level for the farm to work properly.   The planter, not seen in this picture, is hidden one block below the dirt layer the trees are planted on.  For this purpose, I went ahead and made a third floor on the base island for the generators to run the farm, run the pipping out of sight and to give the planter a place to be housed under the dirt layer.  It also provided an area for me to place the chest for the sludge boiler by-products via piping from the boiler room as it is far enough away from the boiler/tnt generator room not
to be affected by it.

The planter, once placed on the lower floor, can be filled with whatever you chose to plant, in this case vanilla trees like oak, birch and spruce.  The colorful panel to the side seems to indicate where you would like to plant each type of plant on the dirt layer.  I just wanted one type of plant so I left it blank.  Maybe I'll play with it later when I do my food farms.  At any rate, once I put the pipes in for the power, the planter started pumping out the sapling onto the dirt above.  But then I placed the harvester and I ran into a problem.

It wouldn't harvest.  Even though it was an harvester and there was a tree to cut down.  Even thought it was on the right level - at the same level as the plant.  Even though it was lined up with the planter - think it has to match up.  Even though I connected it to the sludge boiler cuz I heard it might not work if it's clogged with sludge.  Even though I piped in the power.  Even though I had pipes in for the chest so it could store the items it collected and send the saplings back to the planter for replanting.  So I checked my wires.  I checked my power.  I checked my machines.  I even tested if a tree would grow and be replanted.  Still nothing.  Then I went off to read what I was supposed to do - something you would normally do at the beginning of one of these things but when you proceed with no clear plan..................

I found out I had everything right.  Except the direction of the machine and the placement of the collection chest.  There is apparently a right way to face the machine so it will harvest the crops in front of it.   Wish they'd put a FRONT in the front so I'd notice it.  But then again, most people would probably notice without being told.....Anywayz, after I turned the machine around and attached the collection pipes to the back of the machine - which is apparently the only place it will spit thing out from - it did a beautiful job of growing, chopping and collecting a bunch of sapling, apples, and wood in a relatively short period of time.  Additional time you normally would have spent collecting resources is now free to do other things.  Like working on a food farm cuz I'm getting tired of eating fish every 30 sec or so.  Fish?  Yep, I also had a fish farm up and running and my current diet consists of cooked fish.  Soon to be fish and chips, maybe?  Think my doctor would be happier if I just stuck to cooked fish though.............


兎に角、彼此で点梃子舞でしたが合間に木材専門畑を開拓できました。Planter植え木機Harvester伐採機Sludge Boilerドロン機の三大機で立ち回って貰う木畑です。三大共に電源を提供しないと作動しないシロモノです。PlanterとHarvesterは溶岩発電機を使って作動させて、ドロン機は危険なので同じ危険なTNT発電機を使わせる計画でした。その為に五個も作りました。宝袋の褒美がtntだったので使えというお告げ。信じて造りますです。キッと 幸先良いことでしょう。ハイ。







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