いや~ん~な図 |
And in case you're unfamiliar with the Aqueous Accumulator, it's a Thermal Expansion machine that lets you 'make' water. Even if you have no water. But if you have water, it'll make more of the water, faster when you put it into water. It's extremely useful for clutzy skyblock players that constantly kill source blocks. Ex nihilo water barrels will fill when it rains too but this machine will fill regardless so in a sense it was much more useful for this purpose. Especially for the clutzy players.
And a Drum, you say? These too are extremely useful items added on by the Extra Utilities mod. Takes a ton of iron to make (well, actually, it takes 6 iron ingots, 1 iron cauldron and 2 iron plates so that's pretty close, right?) and it holds a ton of liquid - anything you pump into it. Plus, it changes color to reflect what liquid you pump into it - in this case, blue for water. I hear that it's also suppose to be portable. But I've yet to figure out how to do it. Hopefully, by the time I need the experience drum I have plugged in to my mob grinder, I'll figure it out. Hopefully.
Anywayz back to the Aquaman. Aquaman because AA-kun is already the Autonomous Activator and it really doesn't do to call someone by the same nickname as someone else. They might get jealous of each other - though maybe if you kept the relation a secret, calling them the same name might avoid confusion, but we digress. The first Aquaman had his calling and was there to stay. Especially since the drum is sitting on him and I have no idea how to move said drum, yet.
A lot more of them.
And a lot of tree saplings too. And what's worse, this is probably not even all of them. I think. But, to get all these saplings and seeds, I needed to make a patch of grass before making the actual farms. Because to get all these seeds, you need to break grass to get seeds. So, taking a grass seed you get from sifting dirt, I planted it on a plot of dirt I set up off to the side of the tree farm.
Now, this patch of land, I've dedicated to the purpose of obtaining grass and the occasional passive mob spawn for extra protein. It requires no piping or mechanics to maintain. So if I had a second floor right below this plot of land it would serve no purpose. Unlike the second floor under the tree farm - which had all the wiring, planter and chests for storage. But I had already made the second floor under it anyway so began to wonder what could I put in there. And I thought, well, one of the foods I wanted to make eventually used mushrooms. Mushrooms would grow on or pop up from mycelium. And I could place water barrels on the mycelium so it would turn into witch water. Then I could put sand into the witch water barrels to get soul sand. Because I wanted to sift soulsand eventually as I hear it can give me something that grows tons of redstone.
always one barrel that's witched |
又の名をAqueous Accumalator(Thermal Expansion MODより)と言います。人形姫は水付属で水不足を補ってくれる優しいお助けマンです。姫だけど漢です。水夫の方が良いんでしょうか?
水夫人は水に漬かれなくても水を生産しますが水に漬かせるともっと早く水を生み出します。ので水にドボーンと設置。その上にドラム缶Drumを乗せると見る見る水が溜まっていきます。このDrumですがExtra Utilities Mod の追加品で液体アイテムの保管チェストの様なものです。Jabbaチェストの様に一品しか持てませんが同様に量が半端ないです。経験値液体、ドロン液、水等を保存する為に使ったりしています。こう説明すると何やら貴腐人的思考が~ドラムに乗っ掛かれる水夫人。枯れること無い絶リ・・・・ゴホン。ええっと、話戻しまして。ドラムと合体した水夫人ですがお陰で池を無事元通りに戻し、網を張りなおしています。ので、思わん処で役に立った水夫人ですが本来はこの様に使う心算もありませんでした。最初はキノコ畑兼冥府土又の名をSoulSand栽培に役立てる心算でした。
で、ですね?木牧場が完成して島も拡大して食物畑でも造ろうかな~と思っていたのですが。多いんですよね?種の種類が。木の種類もですが。で、それらを確保する為に何が必要かと言うと草地がいるんです。草を刈って堕ちる種を拾う作業。土を設置するだけの簡単土台だけが必要になるのですが木の栽培宜しく二段階を立ててしまった為上に草地じゃ下は?と成りました。そこでこの二階を如何使うかと考えていた所にキノコの事を思い出しました。キノコも土を設置して古代種Ancient Spores(砂をザルに通すと物凄く低い確率で取れるとか。割りと簡単に出ましたが。双子万歳)でmyceliumに変えれば取れるかも、と。でmyceliumの上に水桶を設置すれば魔女水Witch Waterに変身して砂を入れると冥土SoulSandに早や代わり。
真ん中に立ってグルグル。冥土毎度。 |
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