Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The good thing about modpacks

is that if you get bored with one aspect of the modpack, you can always go play with another mod in the pack.  Like me.  Last we left off, I was working on my wood burning center, realized after I built the test site how big it would have to be to be truly functional, got an ARRRGGGGHH moment and started looking into something else.  Cuz I don't feel like building a system yet for infinite fertilizer or doing the pipings for the oven-to-charcoal-into-blocks-into-generator yet.  Even though it would be fairly easy.  I'm not 'FEELING' it at the moment.

So, instead of forcing myself to work, I started wanted to play and have fun.  Hence, I decided to fish.  And since we have Mariculture in this mod pack, I know I definitely want to try more fishing.  Cuz I enjoy fishing - in game.  Really life fishing can get a bit smelly even if the end product is good.  Anywayz, to fish, you need to have water.  And the bigger the pool of water, the better it would be to fish.  So, I set off to build me a fish pond.  

Going down the ladder to the lowest tier of the current base - the original piston shaft downward - I decide
Passive squid farm in action
to start building the base of the fishing pool at this level.  Because my Vat (from Mariculture) is located on this floor.  Because it was taking up room in my inventory and I didn't have a chest to put it into at the time.  So I plopped it down.  And I couldn't and still can't move it because my beginner's pick can't mine at iron level.......Anywayz, since it already had my accidental squid farm and vat down here, it seems to cry destiny.  I'd make a bad seer.  Cuz it really wasn't a call from destiny.

Unplanned feature being added here.
blue bricks and blue glass - I had too many lapis >.<
Anywayz, off to building it.  And since this wasn't something I planned, somehow it just ended up being a bridge from the main base to the mob tower walkway.   A lot of my buildings comes to life like that.  A moment of inspiration.  And when the inspiration dries out, it tends to get left hanging there until the moment strikes again.  At any rate, I stared by building the initial platform across with cobble slabs.  Added in some stone walls so I don't accidentlly fall off.  Found that the height of the walkway was too high to reach from the slab base so added on a layer of blue bricks with a few torches scattered in between to keep the mobs from spawning.  With the torches in place, now we filled in the rest of the bottom floor with slabs and pop on some sand on top of that.  And  that would make the water too shallow so another layer of glass on top of the blue bricks got added.  And then another layer of glass for safety. 
A rope ladder on the inside and outside so we could climb in and out.  And all that remained was to add water.  And when we did that, we got this.
Them torches............
Yes, those torches I popped in there to keep mobs from spawning.  Well, when I added the water, they popped off and the water started to flow out.  Being the laid back individual I am, I thought, ehh, let it go for now.  And went to take a look at it from above.  Liked it so now it just stayed there as an added feature.  Couldn't have done it better even if I had planned it.  Not that I didn't think that it might turn out like this when I was placing those torches, no, not at all. 
flying squids.......q.q

 And of course, since I do these things without any real planning, I didn't think what level I was building this on.  So now I have a really active squid farm to boot. If you don't want a squid farm, it's always best to check your y-level.  You'd think I'd remember that since the other passive squid farm is also at this level........

useful for daily quest
 On top of which, I updated to 3.x in the meanwhile and one of the quests, is to manually kill 3 mobs - like zombies.  So when i ran a path of sand down the middle of the fish pond to make it into a sugar cane farm, imagine my surprise when i find this after the fact.  Yep, when I had the torches in place it was well lit.  Well, now that the water is in place and I didn't think to check after putting down the sand, apparently this area was dark enough to spawn mobs.  Fortunately, I had a stack of arrows and a bow at the base.  And I finally got around to making a diamond sword too.  Just in case.  Luckily, the sword wasn't needed.  And I finished the daily quest without any additional mechanics needed.  Although I did start to make a few adjustments to the mob tower base for it as I didn't notice the surprise until later at night.

Don't you love it when a plan comes together?



前回に続きたかったのですが、又もや挫折。意気地なしと罵って下さい。炭鉱現場出力足りないです。今の侭では足りないです。石炭燃費半端ないです。これ維持するには先ず木の成長最短縮してくれる肥しIndustrial Fertilizerを作れる様に豚小屋か牛小屋を作りSewerを設置。パイプでSewerをComposterに導きSewageをIndustrial Fertilizerに変換させて。それを木の栽培現場に運んでFertilizerに導入してこれ等で生まれる木材を石炭に変えられる様に竈の量を増やしてパイプを・・・・・考えれば考える程ヤル気が萎えました。ハイ。



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