for all that extra junk - or ex-junk that the bloodwood tree farm was generating. The wood, for some unknown reason, can apparently be used as fuel in a vanilla furnace. Which is puzzling as it is suppose to be fire-resistant and it is. Because I've seen it catch on fire but it seems to go out with the wood still in place after the fire dies down. Normal woods would just disappear if that were to happen. At any rate, since it does seem to be usable as a fuel I now have an infinite amount of logs I can use to cook things in a vanilla furnace. Currently, I'm using it to make an abundance of charcoal to burn in a high temperature furnace generator.
In addition to that, the tons of saplings the redstone farm was producing can be composted into dirt. And since one of the hoarding quests was a ton of dirt, I'm starting early by storing some away now in a DSU - Deep Storage Unit. Because I'll probably be carrying the DSU over to the production sight later on once I finish setting it up - when I actually do start on those quests.
And what happened to the AE system I was working on, you might wonder? I'm still working on it but it has me scratching my head so I let myself get distracted. Otherwise I might feel the need to rage a bit. And we wouldn't want that. Currently trying to figure out, HOW DO I GET THINGS OUT FROM A VANILLA CHEST ONTO THE ME NETWORK. And once I do that the automation of my ore production will be complete and would allow me to go work on some other stuff. I figure it probably has to do with those bus things. It's not the normal cable, at any rate. Or the export bus, I think...........
で、思いっ切りApplied Energetics電子貯金箱から道逸れましたが其方もポツポツと遣っています。唯躓くことが多いので他のモノで気を紛らわせているだけです。現在お宝発掘センタが間もなく24/7で活動出来る所まで来ていますが肝心のAEの繋ぎ方が未だ分からないので専ら研究中です。
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