So, we went ahead and built a mob tower. I tried and did a one block spawner type but it was so slow and just as labor intensive as an old fashion drop-type spawner so I dreamed a bit to get rid of the old structure. And came up with this.
Yes, I realize it's hard to see. And it's night so it's even harder to see. Unfortunately this the only pic I took of it so far so this will have to do. You've seen it already before anyway. It's the same drop tower with 2 spawn pad this time, since my earlier experiment didn't work out and it just wiped me out. So, we ended up with a mob tower with only 2 spawn pad - although the pads are slightly longer than 8 blocks - because we're using conveyor belts to start with and the room is 3 block height for endermen. The conveyor belts will deliver the endermen to their death below either by grinder (for the mob essence) or invar spikes (for their rare drops).
The bottom half of the structure is where all the mob drops are funneled down to via pipes and item collector at first, now with a vacuum hopper after the quest completion. And all of this would still not be happening if the wonderful gods of RNG had not given us a reward bag with 2 magnum torches. Yes, these wonderful, wonderful torches added by Extra Utilities. These magnum torches are wonderful because they prevent the spawning of hostile mobs. Won't do a thing to those that have already spawned unfortunately, but if they haven't spawned yet, then they won't as long as you're in its aura - 32 blocks high and 128 radius area.
Which means, our mob spawning tower can be lower than the normal 24 - 3x height range. Which is great if you don't like building high above the ground. Come to think of it, it might work in a normal minecraft world too. Just dig down a few blocks and place the torch there. Then build upwards above the range of 32 blocks. You'd have less caving to do and any spot would work, maybe? But we digress. So, this tower we build is also lower than our normal tower because we have other options for killing the mob such as the Grinder from MFR and the invar spikes. I put both in because occasionally the Grinder would stop working and I got tired of replacing it to make it work again. Besides which the mob essence drum was almost full anyway.
Anywayz, the point in today's post was - do your quests cuz you might get lucky? I mean, you get bees, phials, magnum torches, nether ores, etc. Really, so generous of the AS gods to bestow these things on you. Makes you wonder why people think the creators might have ill intents toward you when they provide you with all these items that make your life so much easier on AS.
As a side note, apparently when you pour blood onto your casting table from a smeltery you can get a ball of coagulated blood. Yuck. And looking ahead, dragging our feet, derping around the base because we don't want to modernize. Why you make me do this?
でも、お告げが在ったんです。又もや。神様の意地悪です。JadedCatさん意地悪です。でも、好きです<3。だって、くれたんです。モブタワー造る為の安全対策品。今は未だ造っていなかった薬局作った後じゃないと作れない面倒なシロモノ。Magnum Torch又の名を安全提灯。一家に一台あると沸き率一気に下がって生きます。半径128ブロック高さ32ブロック程絶対安全地帯に変身。家を建てれば必ず置きたい物ですがモブタワー建てる時にも置きたいです。だって、沸きません。安心できます。グロー・ストーン必要無し。無駄なし。リサイクル可能で又何時でも使えるモノ。もう君を放さないさ~的なアイテム君。ただ、既に沸いている敵は壊滅してくれないのでネザー対策にはならない。ちぇ、な瞬間です。ハイ。
因みにモブ処理ですが 今回はInvarSpikeとGrinderの両方を利用しました。GrinderでMobEssenceをドラム缶に貯めて、後InvarSpikeに切り替えました。Grinderが何故か自動停止を繰り返していたので再設置が面倒になる事と、モブのレアードロップがGrinderだと落ちないからです。どちらが本当の理由か検討つきますよね?ね?
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