And if you squint, you might even see the extension (at the base of the tower) I added for one of the quests I needed to complete. Blaze rods and no nether. Me and nether is a bad idea - unless I go peaceful. Which would kind of defeat the purpose of the nether I figure so I decided to forgo it for the moment. A wise decision I'm sure. But we still need that blaze rod.
Fortunately for us, Ex Nihilo takes care of this for us with the use of a stone crucible, some lava and a doll. Yes, we're playing with dolls. Scary, spooky, creepy dolls. Though really, I'd rather not play with them but of the two evils we are faced with - the dolls seem less scarier- though I won't say that to Chucky.
So, I ended up making a new room - right next to the other scary thing, the mob tower. Seems an appropriate spot. All things to avoid in one general direction. Thinking that the other scary stuff is going to end up in this direction too but that's much later in the game for me. Much, much later. Any way, we're playing with dolls. But since the results might be a bit dangerous after thinking about it a bit, I managed to come up with a set-up that lets us play - at a safe distance. Hopefully. Well, I did come out alive so maybe it was safe?
控え室お客様いらっしゃい! |
段々と近代化させられて行く |
And since the AA twins no longer need to switch jobs from pounding to sieving, they're now attached to a gravel double chest. I still like puttering so I haven't connected it directly to the gravel generator. And I'm only sieving gravel currently for the ores, coal, and gems and not the dust any more because we don't need the redstone from the dust any more. Because when we sieved the soulsand we made the other day, we ended up with a few saplings of the Bloodwood tree.
It's a scary tree. The whole day has been about scary things. And this one was no exception. Well, there was one that was even scarier and I'm never going to try growing that one again. But this bloodwood tree I needed to grow even if it was scary. Sigh.
What was wrong about the tree? Well, first off, it wouldn't grow like a normal tree. Most of the other nether trees grew fine but this one was weird. It apparently didn't grow on top of the dirt but on the under side of it. So I popped a piece of dirt up in the sky and plopped down the tree and wow, it actually hung there upside down. And then I bonemealed it. I had a dream moment not long after. Dreams are so wonderful. Really........sigh.
Anywayz, since I couldn't figure out what to do I turned to my adviser in times of need. That's right, I looked for a video on YouTube. And low and behold, BevoLJ had a video on just this subject. It was extremely enlightening. So enlightening, I ended up just copying his design. Why try to reinvent the wheel, after all? And so it looks like this at the moment. Unlike his design though, this one is still manual.
改造の余地あり。でも、どうやるんだろう? |
So, were we busy? Yes, we were. And with all this finally done, we moved on to building our farm. Or at least the eventual farm. It still has yet to be planted. Because I had a plan. < Bad thing this. It never works out .......sigh.
ウロウロ ガクガク プンブル
ハイ。その結果クエストかなり進みました。例えばブレーズ・ロッド確保の件ですが、ネザーに行ってブレーズ遣っ付けて手に入れる・・・てのは無理なので。イヤですね?此方のネザーってフル装備でも死ぬの確実なそうです。ので、普通のネザーでも駄目な自分では・・・言わずもがなだったり?其処で、MODのお力を拝借致しました。警護です。間違えた。敬語です。 偉いMOD様です。Ex Nihiloです。
このMODの一部として人形遊びが出来る様に成っています。この人形等滅茶苦茶材料費掛かりますが作ると便利な事が在ったりします。その一例としてAngry Dollプンプン人形さまです。此方の御仁を作って溶岩入りのStone Crucible石桶に放り込むでお控え為さいますとなんと!ブレーズ様を御呼び遊ばれます。<変換編です。
でも其の侭ブレーズ様呼んでは危ないので、控え部屋 を造って差し上げました。上記の控え室ですが奥に石桶を設置して、レッド・ストーン引いて部屋の外からAA君を作動出来るように設置(AA君人形を放り込んでね)。前をガラス張りにしてブレーズ様丸見え状態にして。お負けにClear Glass透明ガラスを使っているのでガラスを壊しても回収して又付けえるように。一度でお土産をくれるとは限らないので。その度に溶岩を足さないと逝けませんので。足の部分から攻撃出来るように部屋の高さも割りと低くして外から弓矢待機でした。二、三回程お出迎えしますと親切にも置き土産をしてくれてクエストクリアー出来ました。
後、クエストと関係なくしていたのは冥土関連作業と言うか延長です。冥土をザルに駆けると色々発掘できます。最も役立つのはBloodwood吸血木だったりします。 血の色の様に鮮やかな赤色の木材が沢山取れます。燃えない木材です。 でもって、最も役立つのは伐採物としてレッド・ストーンが取れることです。
吸さんを植付ける床下の部分 |
で、あんなこんなで色々とクエストも終わったので次回は畑塔に取り掛かったんですが。畑を植える前に思いつきで横道に。 これだったりします。
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