Not so much as to understand it, or to build it. Because the concept of it is somewhat familiar. I mean, it's the Matrix for minecraft. It takes physical material and converts it into digital data for storage. I could get rid of most of my extra storage and not worry about running out of space for more stuff. A hoarder's dream. Would make life easier.
But you need so much mats to build the darn thing. I didn't even realize how much mats you'd need until I actually tried building it. And there are so many parts to build for it. You need this part to make that part and that part to make those parts and those parts to make this part and so on and so forth. It seems endless and so mat intensive. It almost feels like you need an AE system to build an AE system.
It also probably doesn't help that I'm trying to do it with just one Cyclical Assembler. Don't know what I would do without that thing, it's so god sent. Just make one blueprint of the item you are going to craft, put in the mats and watch it make tons of the item until it runs out of mats. But I should probably redo the home base because with all the stuff I have going on in this place it feels so overcrowded. Which is probably why it feels so hard. Because I'm trying to make it fit into one small space.
Hmmm, maybe I'll build a AE building first so I can work with more room and give it some power source of its own. Maybe I'll move some of the things in the first home base out of there eventually to join the new AE building. I'm beginning to feel better thinking about this. At least, I don't have to think about completing the AE until I finish the building and maybe I'll feel like completing the AE system once I have some time off from it instead of continuing on having a crash course on it right now.
Applied Energisticsって便利そう。でも今は挫折しそう。シクシク。
ええっと、ですね?色々と遣っています。例えばレッド・ストーン産地を自動式化。やっぱりパクリって楽で良いですよね?ね?BevoLJ様のBloodwoodビデオ万歳です。良く判らなくても作れて使えるんです。Rednet CableとかProgrammmable Rednet Controlとかぜぇんぜぇん分かりません。理解不能です。でも出来ました。ので今はこれで満足しておきます。だって、進みたいです。
で、じゃ如何すればこう駆けずり回る回数を減らせるのかと思い先ずインベントリが全部繋がっていれば一っ所で用が足せるんじゃないかな?だって、このMODって映画MATRIXを元に作っている感じがします。物理を原始に変えて保存。ってな思い付きでApplied Energisticsに手を出すことにしました。が、これが逝けなかったのでしょうか?このMOD、更に面倒でした。
だって、このシステム立ち上げに最低必要部品にしても部品が多いんです。必要の初期段階部品としてMEController, MEDrive, ME Access Terminalと成りますが、これだけでももうギブ状です。根を上げました。一応?造っています。でも自分的には未だ未完全です。だって、MEDriveに入れるStorageCell。未だ1K一つと16K一つしか作っていません。と言うか造れませんでした。材料メッチャ要りました。甞めていました。済みません。反省中。
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