Monday, June 30, 2014

The Last Day

of the month.  How fast time flies.  Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the progression of my quests in Ag Skies.  I am stuck.  Because it requires you to go to the Nether.  I really, really, really shouldn't have updated to 3.1.1 *sobs*  

So instead, let's go back to Mariculture.  Because that's what we were working on, after all.  And because with the construction completed on our fishing pond, we can now go play with some toys that come with the Mariculture pack.  Like that Vat I plopped down earlier because of a full inventory.  What's a vat?  Well, I'll come to that soon (read as - in a day or two, if you're lucky).

Now, in Mariculture - at least in the Ag Skies' Mariculture, you can fish up a variety of fishes (some have to be breed, apparently) in any environment.  In a normal Mariculture world, you'd probably have to go look for the right environment for the fish.  Aren't we lucky up here?  But what's so good about having different fishes, you may think?  

Well, if you're familiar with bees - I'm not  (o.o) - Mariculture fishes seem similar to them.  Fishes, when various means of tortu.......ahem, fish
end product = fish oil + leather
mechanics are applied to them, will produce different end products depending on their species.  Once fishes are caught, they can either be 'cooked' in a Crucible Furnace or 'breed' in an Incubator.  But first, we need to go catch the fishes.  

So we start out with the fishing poles.  The simplest of fishing poles added by Mariculture is the pole you receive from the quest - the reed rod.  It's made with 3 pieces of sugar cane and 2 pieces of string, same as a vanilla rod.  Unlike the vanilla rod, these Mariculture rods need bait to catch fish.  Which is where the Mariculture sifter comes in  (you made this earlier in your quest).  You sift various organic matter - like leaves, dirt, rotten flesh, etc. - to shake out the bait that live in them. Bait, like worms, crickets, and ants (and although you can eat this bait, it is highly ill-advised.  DON'T DO IT q.q).  With some rods, you can even use bread.  Each rod has different baits they use so press 'shift' to get the list.

Besides the beginner's pole, the reed rod, there are also some other rods you can use to fish.  The vanilla rod, in AS, will catch you vanilla fish.  Reed rods, will catch you the same thing, and also live and 'raw' fish, as well as some junk like bowls, bows, string, etc.  To catch higher tier 'junk' you'll need a higher tier rod, like the next one, the fishing rod made from 'Polished' wood.  This rod can catch things like pearls, records, and coral rock.  And the next tier rod is the titanium rod - which I'm still working on because it requires rutile - which I need to go to the Nether to get or maybe not.  But if I do go to the Nether, I could also complete the other quest at the same time.  There in lies the debate, should I or shouldn't I?  I still can't decide.  





では上位の釣り竿の方がより良い魚が釣れるかというとそうでも有りません。上位の竿で釣れるのは上位な塵です。この塵が実際の狙いで上位の釣り竿が欲しくなります。例えば笹竿の次には木の漆竿モドキWooden Rodがあります。この竿は普通のマインクラフトの竿に見えても一工夫をしてから出ないと作れない竿です。唯の木の枝では作れません。でも手間暇掛けて作ったお陰で真珠やレコードやサンゴブロックとか釣れるようになりました。又この真珠とかで様々なモノも作れたりしますからもっと釣りたくなります。貝も釣れるように成りたいですが其れには次の上位竿TitaniumRodチタン製竿が必要でこれに必要な材料Rutileですが・・・・・ネザーにあります。やはりネザー逝き決定でしょうか?明日の運命は如何に?それとも回避出来るのでしょうか?できるのなら夢は見たく有りません。でもどうでしょうかネ?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The good thing about modpacks

is that if you get bored with one aspect of the modpack, you can always go play with another mod in the pack.  Like me.  Last we left off, I was working on my wood burning center, realized after I built the test site how big it would have to be to be truly functional, got an ARRRGGGGHH moment and started looking into something else.  Cuz I don't feel like building a system yet for infinite fertilizer or doing the pipings for the oven-to-charcoal-into-blocks-into-generator yet.  Even though it would be fairly easy.  I'm not 'FEELING' it at the moment.

So, instead of forcing myself to work, I started wanted to play and have fun.  Hence, I decided to fish.  And since we have Mariculture in this mod pack, I know I definitely want to try more fishing.  Cuz I enjoy fishing - in game.  Really life fishing can get a bit smelly even if the end product is good.  Anywayz, to fish, you need to have water.  And the bigger the pool of water, the better it would be to fish.  So, I set off to build me a fish pond.  

Going down the ladder to the lowest tier of the current base - the original piston shaft downward - I decide
Passive squid farm in action
to start building the base of the fishing pool at this level.  Because my Vat (from Mariculture) is located on this floor.  Because it was taking up room in my inventory and I didn't have a chest to put it into at the time.  So I plopped it down.  And I couldn't and still can't move it because my beginner's pick can't mine at iron level.......Anywayz, since it already had my accidental squid farm and vat down here, it seems to cry destiny.  I'd make a bad seer.  Cuz it really wasn't a call from destiny.

Unplanned feature being added here.
blue bricks and blue glass - I had too many lapis >.<
Anywayz, off to building it.  And since this wasn't something I planned, somehow it just ended up being a bridge from the main base to the mob tower walkway.   A lot of my buildings comes to life like that.  A moment of inspiration.  And when the inspiration dries out, it tends to get left hanging there until the moment strikes again.  At any rate, I stared by building the initial platform across with cobble slabs.  Added in some stone walls so I don't accidentlly fall off.  Found that the height of the walkway was too high to reach from the slab base so added on a layer of blue bricks with a few torches scattered in between to keep the mobs from spawning.  With the torches in place, now we filled in the rest of the bottom floor with slabs and pop on some sand on top of that.  And  that would make the water too shallow so another layer of glass on top of the blue bricks got added.  And then another layer of glass for safety. 
A rope ladder on the inside and outside so we could climb in and out.  And all that remained was to add water.  And when we did that, we got this.
Them torches............
Yes, those torches I popped in there to keep mobs from spawning.  Well, when I added the water, they popped off and the water started to flow out.  Being the laid back individual I am, I thought, ehh, let it go for now.  And went to take a look at it from above.  Liked it so now it just stayed there as an added feature.  Couldn't have done it better even if I had planned it.  Not that I didn't think that it might turn out like this when I was placing those torches, no, not at all. 
flying squids.......q.q

 And of course, since I do these things without any real planning, I didn't think what level I was building this on.  So now I have a really active squid farm to boot. If you don't want a squid farm, it's always best to check your y-level.  You'd think I'd remember that since the other passive squid farm is also at this level........

useful for daily quest
 On top of which, I updated to 3.x in the meanwhile and one of the quests, is to manually kill 3 mobs - like zombies.  So when i ran a path of sand down the middle of the fish pond to make it into a sugar cane farm, imagine my surprise when i find this after the fact.  Yep, when I had the torches in place it was well lit.  Well, now that the water is in place and I didn't think to check after putting down the sand, apparently this area was dark enough to spawn mobs.  Fortunately, I had a stack of arrows and a bow at the base.  And I finally got around to making a diamond sword too.  Just in case.  Luckily, the sword wasn't needed.  And I finished the daily quest without any additional mechanics needed.  Although I did start to make a few adjustments to the mob tower base for it as I didn't notice the surprise until later at night.

Don't you love it when a plan comes together?



前回に続きたかったのですが、又もや挫折。意気地なしと罵って下さい。炭鉱現場出力足りないです。今の侭では足りないです。石炭燃費半端ないです。これ維持するには先ず木の成長最短縮してくれる肥しIndustrial Fertilizerを作れる様に豚小屋か牛小屋を作りSewerを設置。パイプでSewerをComposterに導きSewageをIndustrial Fertilizerに変換させて。それを木の栽培現場に運んでFertilizerに導入してこれ等で生まれる木材を石炭に変えられる様に竈の量を増やしてパイプを・・・・・考えれば考える程ヤル気が萎えました。ハイ。



Friday, June 20, 2014

I found a use!

for all that extra junk - or ex-junk that the bloodwood tree farm was generating.  The wood, for some unknown reason, can apparently be used as fuel in a vanilla furnace.  Which is puzzling as it is suppose to be fire-resistant and it is.  Because I've seen it catch on fire but it seems to go out with the wood still in place after the fire dies down.  Normal woods would just disappear if that were to happen.  At any rate, since it does seem to be usable as a fuel  I now have an infinite amount of logs I can use to cook things in a vanilla furnace.  Currently, I'm using it to make an abundance of charcoal to burn in a high temperature furnace generator.

In addition to that, the tons of saplings the redstone farm was producing can be composted into dirt.  And since one of the hoarding quests was a ton of dirt, I'm starting early by storing some away now in a DSU - Deep Storage Unit.  Because I'll probably be carrying the DSU over to the production sight later on once I finish setting it up - when I actually do start on those quests.

And what happened to the AE system I was working on, you might wonder?  I'm still working on it but it has me scratching my head so I let myself get distracted.  Otherwise I might feel the need to rage a bit.  And we wouldn't want that.  Currently trying to figure out, HOW DO I GET THINGS OUT FROM A VANILLA CHEST ONTO THE ME NETWORK.  And once I do that the automation of my ore production will be complete and would allow me to go work on some other stuff.  I figure it probably has to do with those bus things.  It's not the normal cable, at any rate.  Or the export bus, I think...........





で、思いっ切りApplied Energetics電子貯金箱から道逸れましたが其方もポツポツと遣っています。唯躓くことが多いので他のモノで気を紛らわせているだけです。現在お宝発掘センタが間もなく24/7で活動出来る所まで来ていますが肝心のAEの繋ぎ方が未だ分からないので専ら研究中です。

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Applied Energistics

People say bees are hard.  No one says Applied Energistics is hard.  I will say it.  AE is hard.  Sighs.

Not so much as to understand it, or to build it.  Because the concept of it is somewhat familiar.  I mean, it's the Matrix for minecraft.  It takes physical material and converts it into digital data for storage.  I could get rid of most of my extra storage and not worry about running out of space for more stuff.  A hoarder's dream.  Would make life easier.

But you need so much mats to build the darn thing.  I didn't even realize how much mats you'd need until I actually tried building it.  And there are so many parts to build for it.  You need this part to make that part and that part to make those parts and those parts to make this part and so on and so forth.  It seems endless and so mat intensive.  It almost feels like you need an AE system to build an AE system.

It also probably doesn't help that I'm trying to do it with just one Cyclical Assembler.  Don't know what I would do without that thing, it's so god sent.  Just make one blueprint of the item  you are going to craft, put in the mats and watch it make tons of the item until it runs out of mats.  But I should probably redo the home base because with all the stuff I have going on in this place it feels so overcrowded.  Which is probably why it feels so hard.  Because I'm trying to make it fit into one small space.

Hmmm,  maybe I'll build a AE building first so I can work with more room and give it some power source of its own.  Maybe I'll move some of the things in the first home base out of there eventually to join the new AE building.  I'm beginning to feel better thinking about this.  At least, I don't have to think about completing the AE until I finish the building and maybe I'll feel like completing the AE system once I have some time off from it instead of continuing on having a crash course on it right now.  


Applied Energisticsって便利そう。でも今は挫折しそう。シクシク。

ええっと、ですね?色々と遣っています。例えばレッド・ストーン産地を自動式化。やっぱりパクリって楽で良いですよね?ね?BevoLJ様のBloodwoodビデオ万歳です。良く判らなくても作れて使えるんです。Rednet CableとかProgrammmable Rednet Controlとかぜぇんぜぇん分かりません。理解不能です。でも出来ました。ので今はこれで満足しておきます。だって、進みたいです。


で、じゃ如何すればこう駆けずり回る回数を減らせるのかと思い先ずインベントリが全部繋がっていれば一っ所で用が足せるんじゃないかな?だって、このMODって映画MATRIXを元に作っている感じがします。物理を原始に変えて保存。ってな思い付きでApplied Energisticsに手を出すことにしました。が、これが逝けなかったのでしょうか?このMOD、更に面倒でした。

だって、このシステム立ち上げに最低必要部品にしても部品が多いんです。必要の初期段階部品としてMEController, MEDrive, ME Access Terminalと成りますが、これだけでももうギブ状です。根を上げました。一応?造っています。でも自分的には未だ未完全です。だって、MEDriveに入れるStorageCell。未だ1K一つと16K一つしか作っていません。と言うか造れませんでした。材料メッチャ要りました。甞めていました。済みません。反省中。


Monday, June 16, 2014



で、ですね? これ中からの風景ですがかなり大きいんです。で色々と考えて溶岩製造施設にでもしようかな?っと思いまして。でどの様な感じにするかと言うと溶岩ドラム缶一杯詰めた倉庫に出来ないかな?と思って。じゃ、どうやれば一杯鉄インゴットが手に入るのかな?となりまして。ザルだけでは足りないかも、となりまして。じゃ、鉄人製造圧縮機でも在れば良いんじゃないかな?と言う流れで農園から意識を逸らしました。序でに初期段階クエストも後一つで終わりそうなので其処からも意識逸らし作戦です。だって、最後のクエスト今の間々では・・・・・・
で、作り出したのがこれです。 と、出来上がったのが此方です。


No English today.  Kinda feeling Japanesey today. ^_^  Unless someone asks for a translation of what I was doing. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Puttering Around

Since I wasn't ready to move on the farm, I actually spent a day or two doing some quests and cleaning up around the base.  It grew some.  But first a better view of the mob tower.
And if you squint, you might even see the extension (at the base of the tower) I added for one of the quests I needed to complete.  Blaze rods and no nether.  Me and nether is a bad idea - unless I go peaceful.  Which would kind of defeat the purpose of the nether I figure so I decided to forgo it for the moment.  A wise decision I'm sure.  But we still need that blaze rod.

Fortunately for us, Ex Nihilo takes care of this for us with the use of a stone crucible, some lava and a doll.  Yes, we're playing with dolls.  Scary, spooky, creepy dolls.  Though really, I'd rather not play with them but of the two evils we are faced with - the dolls seem less scarier- though I won't say that to Chucky. 

So, I ended up making a new room - right next to the other scary thing, the mob tower. Seems an appropriate spot.  All things to avoid in one general direction.  Thinking that the other scary stuff is going to end up in this direction too but that's much later in the game for me.  Much, much later.  Any way, we're playing with dolls.  But since the results might be a bit dangerous after thinking about it a bit, I managed to come up with a set-up that lets us play - at a safe distance.  Hopefully.  Well, I did come out alive so maybe it was safe?
This was the result.  A small room, about 3 blocks high and 4 - or maybe it was 5 - blocks in.  With an AA to place the doll into the lava for us so we don't have to get close - just in case.  A little redstone leading out of the room to the lever block that lets us activate the AA from outside the room.  The thought was that the blaze would hopefully spawn inside the room and not outside.  Luckily, it went as planned.  So we now have our blaze rod.

We also made our pulverizer for the quest.  Attached to a double chest so it would dump both primary and secondary pulverized products into the same chest.  Weirdly enough when you connect thing to a chest via pipes like these itemducts, it seems to think the double chest is two separate chests.  So one pipe will only deposit into half of the double chest and the other pipe will go into the other half of the chest.  Weird pipes.  Weird chests.

And since the AA twins no longer need to switch jobs from pounding to sieving, they're now attached to a gravel double chest.  I still like puttering so I haven't connected it directly to the gravel generator.  And I'm only sieving gravel currently for the ores, coal, and gems and not the dust any more because we don't need the redstone from the dust any more.  Because when we sieved the soulsand we made the other day, we ended up with a few saplings of the Bloodwood tree.

It's a scary tree.  The whole day has been about scary things.  And this one was no exception.  Well, there was one that was even scarier and I'm never going to try growing that one again.  But this bloodwood tree I needed to grow even if it was scary. Sigh.

What was wrong about the tree?  Well, first off, it wouldn't grow like a normal tree.  Most of the other nether trees grew fine but this one was weird.  It apparently didn't grow on top of the dirt but on the under side of it.  So I popped a piece of dirt up in the sky and plopped down the tree and wow, it actually hung there upside down.  And then I bonemealed it.  I had a dream moment not long after.  Dreams are so wonderful.  Really........sigh.

Anywayz, since I couldn't figure out what to do I turned to my adviser in times of need.  That's right, I looked for a video on YouTube.  And low and behold, BevoLJ had a video on just this subject.  It was extremely enlightening.  So enlightening, I ended up just copying his design.  Why try to reinvent the  wheel, after all?  And so it looks like this at the moment.  Unlike his design though, this one is still manual. 

So, were we busy? Yes, we were. And with all this finally done, we moved on to building our farm.  Or at least the eventual farm.  It still has yet to be planted.  Because I had a plan.  < Bad thing this.  It never works out .......sigh.

ウロウロ ガクガク プンブル

ハイ。その結果クエストかなり進みました。例えばブレーズ・ロッド確保の件ですが、ネザーに行ってブレーズ遣っ付けて手に入れる・・・てのは無理なので。イヤですね?此方のネザーってフル装備でも死ぬの確実なそうです。ので、普通のネザーでも駄目な自分では・・・言わずもがなだったり?其処で、MODのお力を拝借致しました。警護です。間違えた。敬語です。 偉いMOD様です。Ex Nihiloです。

このMODの一部として人形遊びが出来る様に成っています。この人形等滅茶苦茶材料費掛かりますが作ると便利な事が在ったりします。その一例としてAngry Dollプンプン人形さまです。此方の御仁を作って溶岩入りのStone Crucible石桶に放り込むでお控え為さいますとなんと!ブレーズ様を御呼び遊ばれます。<変換編です。

でも其の侭ブレーズ様呼んでは危ないので、控え部屋 を造って差し上げました。上記の控え室ですが奥に石桶を設置して、レッド・ストーン引いて部屋の外からAA君を作動出来るように設置(AA君人形を放り込んでね)。前をガラス張りにしてブレーズ様丸見え状態にして。お負けにClear Glass透明ガラスを使っているのでガラスを壊しても回収して又付けえるように。一度でお土産をくれるとは限らないので。その度に溶岩を足さないと逝けませんので。足の部分から攻撃出来るように部屋の高さも割りと低くして外から弓矢待機でした。二、三回程お出迎えしますと親切にも置き土産をしてくれてクエストクリアー出来ました。



後、クエストと関係なくしていたのは冥土関連作業と言うか延長です。冥土をザルに駆けると色々発掘できます。最も役立つのはBloodwood吸血木だったりします。 血の色の様に鮮やかな赤色の木材が沢山取れます。燃えない木材です。 でもって、最も役立つのは伐採物としてレッド・ストーンが取れることです。


で、あんなこんなで色々とクエストも終わったので次回は畑塔に取り掛かったんですが。畑を植える前に思いつきで横道に。 これだったりします。

Monday, June 9, 2014

I didn't want a mob tower

on this map.  Unfortunately, you kinda need one because of some of the quests.  Granted you could probably just let some mobs spawn and complete the quest after killing them and getting their drops.  Normally.  But I know me.  I could be in diamond armor and I'd still probably lose to a skellie on easy mode, much less the hard mode I play in.  And if you had unlimited life, it probably wouldn't matter.  But really.  Having to dream every 5 seconds can get so tiring.  

So, we went ahead and built a mob tower.  I tried and did a one block spawner type but it was so slow and just as labor intensive as an old fashion drop-type spawner so I dreamed a bit to get rid of the old structure.  And came up with this.
Yes, I realize it's hard to see.  And it's night so it's even harder to see.  Unfortunately this the only pic I took of it so far so this will have to do.  You've seen it already before anyway.  It's the same drop tower with 2 spawn pad this time, since my earlier experiment didn't work out and it just wiped me out.  So, we ended up with a mob tower with only 2 spawn pad - although the pads are slightly longer than 8 blocks - because we're using conveyor belts to start with and the room is 3 block height for endermen.  The conveyor belts will deliver the endermen to their death below either by grinder (for the mob essence) or invar spikes (for their rare drops).  

The bottom half of the structure is where all the mob drops are funneled down to via pipes and item collector at first, now with a vacuum hopper after the quest completion.  And all of this would still not be happening if the wonderful gods of RNG had not given us a reward bag with 2 magnum torches.  Yes, these wonderful, wonderful torches added by Extra Utilities.  These magnum torches are wonderful because they prevent the spawning of hostile mobs.  Won't do a thing to those that have already spawned unfortunately, but if they haven't spawned yet, then they won't as long as you're in its aura - 32 blocks high and 128 radius area.  

Which means, our mob spawning tower can be lower than the normal 24 - 3x height range.  Which is great if you don't like building high above the ground.  Come to think of it, it might work in a normal minecraft world too.  Just dig down a few blocks and place the torch there.  Then build upwards above the range of 32 blocks.  You'd have less caving to do and any spot would work, maybe?  But we digress.  So, this tower we build is also lower than our normal tower because we have other options for killing the mob such as the Grinder from MFR and the invar spikes.  I put both in because occasionally the Grinder would stop working and I got tired of replacing it to make it work again.  Besides which the mob essence drum was almost full anyway.

Anywayz, the point in today's post was - do your quests cuz you might get lucky?  I mean, you get bees, phials, magnum torches, nether ores, etc.  Really, so generous of the AS gods to bestow these things on you.  Makes you wonder why people think the creators might have ill intents toward you when they provide you with all these items that make your life so much easier on AS.

As a side note, apparently when you pour blood onto your casting table from a smeltery you can get a ball of coagulated blood.  Yuck.  And looking ahead, dragging our feet, derping around the base because we don't want to modernize.  Why you make me do this?



でも、お告げが在ったんです。又もや。神様の意地悪です。JadedCatさん意地悪です。でも、好きです<3。だって、くれたんです。モブタワー造る為の安全対策品。今は未だ造っていなかった薬局作った後じゃないと作れない面倒なシロモノ。Magnum Torch又の名を安全提灯。一家に一台あると沸き率一気に下がって生きます。半径128ブロック高さ32ブロック程絶対安全地帯に変身。家を建てれば必ず置きたい物ですがモブタワー建てる時にも置きたいです。だって、沸きません。安心できます。グロー・ストーン必要無し。無駄なし。リサイクル可能で又何時でも使えるモノ。もう君を放さないさ~的なアイテム君。ただ、既に沸いている敵は壊滅してくれないのでネザー対策にはならない。ちぇ、な瞬間です。ハイ。



因みにモブ処理ですが 今回はInvarSpikeとGrinderの両方を利用しました。GrinderでMobEssenceをドラム缶に貯めて、後InvarSpikeに切り替えました。Grinderが何故か自動停止を繰り返していたので再設置が面倒になる事と、モブのレアードロップがGrinderだと落ちないからです。どちらが本当の理由か検討つきますよね?ね?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

An Aqueous Accumalator

is required to fulfill one of your quests in AS.  So I figured I'd make one.  And wondered what I could do with it after making one.  Cuz it seems such a waste of resources not to use it once you make it.  So I thought about what I wanted to do and what I wanted.  And came up with the idea of a mushroom farm.  Well, actually I was thinking more soul sand farm via witch water but it actually works fairly well as a mushroom farm at the same time.  Coincidence is the mother of inventions for me. 

But I actually ended up using the first Aquaman to fill up a water drum - because I derped the nice water pond on the island while making my primitive squid farm and it wasn't an infinite source after the derp.  So I put Aquaman into the original pond and placed an empty drum over it.  I then could take the water from the drum and fix my water problem - so the fishnets could go back in place.  Why the fishnets when I have a fish farm off to the side with an Automatic Fisher already, you ask?  Because the fishnets will catch live fishes on occasion but the fisher won't.  

And in case you're unfamiliar with the Aqueous Accumulator, it's a Thermal Expansion machine that lets you 'make' water.  Even if you have no water.  But if you have water, it'll make more of the water, faster when you put it into water.  It's extremely useful for clutzy skyblock players that constantly kill source blocks.  Ex nihilo water barrels will fill when it rains too but this machine will fill regardless so in a sense it was much more useful for this purpose.  Especially for the clutzy players.

And a Drum, you say?  These too are extremely useful items added on by the Extra Utilities mod.  Takes a ton of iron to make (well, actually, it takes 6 iron ingots, 1 iron cauldron and 2 iron plates so that's pretty close, right?) and it holds a ton of liquid - anything you pump into it.  Plus, it changes color to reflect what liquid you pump into it - in this case, blue for water.  I hear that it's also suppose to be portable.  But I've yet to figure out how to do it.  Hopefully, by the time I need the experience drum I have plugged in to my mob grinder, I'll figure it out.  Hopefully.  

Anywayz back to the Aquaman.  Aquaman because AA-kun is already the Autonomous Activator and it really doesn't do to call someone by the same nickname as someone else.  They might get jealous of each other - though maybe if you kept the relation a secret, calling them the same name might avoid confusion, but we digress.  The first Aquaman had his calling and was there to stay.  Especially since the drum is sitting on him and I have no idea how to move said drum, yet.  

The second Aquaman, I made thinking about my soul sand farm.  Because I had just finished making the tree farm and had expanded the island a bit thinking what I wanted next was a food farm.  How does that lead to a soul sand farm, you're wondering?  Well, to get a food farm like the one I wanted to have I need a lot of seeds.  Because there are a lot of seeds in this modpack.  A lot of them. 

A lot more of them.  

And a lot of tree saplings too.  And what's worse, this is probably not even all of them.  I think.  But, to get all these saplings and seeds, I needed to make a patch of grass before making the actual farms.  Because to get all these seeds, you need to break grass to get seeds.  So, taking a grass seed you get from sifting dirt, I planted it on a plot of dirt I set up off to the side of the tree farm. 

Now, this patch of land, I've dedicated to the purpose of obtaining grass and the occasional passive mob spawn for extra protein.  It requires no piping or mechanics to maintain.  So if I had a second floor right below this plot of land it would serve no purpose.  Unlike the second floor under the tree farm - which had all the wiring, planter and chests for storage.  But I had already made the second floor under it anyway so began to wonder what could I put in there.  And I thought, well, one of the foods I wanted to make eventually used mushrooms.  Mushrooms would grow on or pop up from mycelium.  And I could place water barrels on the mycelium so it would turn into witch water.  Then I could put sand into the witch water barrels to get soul sand.  Because I wanted to sift soulsand eventually as I hear it can give me something that grows tons of redstone.  

always one barrel that's witched
And thus, my mushroom farm to be turned into my soul sand farm from the need to make more seeds for my eventual food farm.  And where did the Aquaman fit into this equation?  Well, I obviously needed water to make witch water for the soul sand.  But I didn't think an infinite water pool would work - knowing me I'd probably derp it, I figured I'd put in Aquaman into my water source, connect it to a tank to fill full of water because I had the tank just lying around, and connect my tank to the barrels of water sitting on top of the mycelium.  And somehow, after fiddling around with it a bit, it worked.  A quick and efficient farm, really.  Low tech enough that even I could make it.  Requires very little thought.  Might make you a bit dizzy though as you stand in the middle and spin, click sand, click to grab soul, spin, click, click, spin, click, click.  But then again, I had several stacks of sand I converted into soul sand in less than 15 minutes.  Darn faster than manuallly filling the barrels.  


又の名をAqueous Accumalator(Thermal Expansion MODより)と言います。人形姫は水付属で水不足を補ってくれる優しいお助けマンです。姫だけど漢です。水夫の方が良いんでしょうか?




水夫人は水に漬かれなくても水を生産しますが水に漬かせるともっと早く水を生み出します。ので水にドボーンと設置。その上にドラム缶Drumを乗せると見る見る水が溜まっていきます。このDrumですがExtra Utilities Mod の追加品で液体アイテムの保管チェストの様なものです。Jabbaチェストの様に一品しか持てませんが同様に量が半端ないです。経験値液体、ドロン液、水等を保存する為に使ったりしています。こう説明すると何やら貴腐人的思考が~ドラムに乗っ掛かれる水夫人。枯れること無い絶リ・・・・ゴホン。ええっと、話戻しまして。ドラムと合体した水夫人ですがお陰で池を無事元通りに戻し、網を張りなおしています。ので、思わん処で役に立った水夫人ですが本来はこの様に使う心算もありませんでした。最初はキノコ畑兼冥府土又の名をSoulSand栽培に役立てる心算でした。

で、ですね?木牧場が完成して島も拡大して食物畑でも造ろうかな~と思っていたのですが。多いんですよね?種の種類が。木の種類もですが。で、それらを確保する為に何が必要かと言うと草地がいるんです。草を刈って堕ちる種を拾う作業。土を設置するだけの簡単土台だけが必要になるのですが木の栽培宜しく二段階を立ててしまった為上に草地じゃ下は?と成りました。そこでこの二階を如何使うかと考えていた所にキノコの事を思い出しました。キノコも土を設置して古代種Ancient Spores(砂をザルに通すと物凄く低い確率で取れるとか。割りと簡単に出ましたが。双子万歳)でmyceliumに変えれば取れるかも、と。でmyceliumの上に水桶を設置すれば魔女水Witch Waterに変身して砂を入れると冥土SoulSandに早や代わり。


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I think it died.......

Cuz it's refusing to turn on q.q  But never fear!  I took the liberties of copying some of my files from the laptop before shutting it down the last time.  What foresight o.o  Yeah, like no one would think of doing that when their pc starts acting this way.  Anywayz, at least, I still get to continue my AS adventures.  On my dinosaur desktop.  About 6 years and still running.  Barely.......sighs.

At any rate, I did manage, between water spills and praying like crazy for a blue light to go on, to get a basic tree farm up and running.  At least one of my goals have been met.  Nice to have set such high goals, no?  No? Onwards.....

This tiny 5x5 farm, runs with the help of a Planter, Harvester and Sludge Boiler from MineFactory Reloaded.  All three units require some form of energy to run.  For the planter and harvester, I used a lava generator connecting from the third floor basement.  The Sludge Boiler, being dangerous to approach when in use, gets to have its power provided by an equally dangerous generator - the tnt generator.  All five of them.  They're contained in their own room. 

The basic Planter and Harvester seem to cover a 3x3 area but with an upgrade chip installed, the farmable area can be increased like the picture notes.  It seems you have to upgrade both the planter and harvester to the same level for the farm to work properly.   The planter, not seen in this picture, is hidden one block below the dirt layer the trees are planted on.  For this purpose, I went ahead and made a third floor on the base island for the generators to run the farm, run the pipping out of sight and to give the planter a place to be housed under the dirt layer.  It also provided an area for me to place the chest for the sludge boiler by-products via piping from the boiler room as it is far enough away from the boiler/tnt generator room not
to be affected by it.

The planter, once placed on the lower floor, can be filled with whatever you chose to plant, in this case vanilla trees like oak, birch and spruce.  The colorful panel to the side seems to indicate where you would like to plant each type of plant on the dirt layer.  I just wanted one type of plant so I left it blank.  Maybe I'll play with it later when I do my food farms.  At any rate, once I put the pipes in for the power, the planter started pumping out the sapling onto the dirt above.  But then I placed the harvester and I ran into a problem.

It wouldn't harvest.  Even though it was an harvester and there was a tree to cut down.  Even thought it was on the right level - at the same level as the plant.  Even though it was lined up with the planter - think it has to match up.  Even though I connected it to the sludge boiler cuz I heard it might not work if it's clogged with sludge.  Even though I piped in the power.  Even though I had pipes in for the chest so it could store the items it collected and send the saplings back to the planter for replanting.  So I checked my wires.  I checked my power.  I checked my machines.  I even tested if a tree would grow and be replanted.  Still nothing.  Then I went off to read what I was supposed to do - something you would normally do at the beginning of one of these things but when you proceed with no clear plan..................

I found out I had everything right.  Except the direction of the machine and the placement of the collection chest.  There is apparently a right way to face the machine so it will harvest the crops in front of it.   Wish they'd put a FRONT in the front so I'd notice it.  But then again, most people would probably notice without being told.....Anywayz, after I turned the machine around and attached the collection pipes to the back of the machine - which is apparently the only place it will spit thing out from - it did a beautiful job of growing, chopping and collecting a bunch of sapling, apples, and wood in a relatively short period of time.  Additional time you normally would have spent collecting resources is now free to do other things.  Like working on a food farm cuz I'm getting tired of eating fish every 30 sec or so.  Fish?  Yep, I also had a fish farm up and running and my current diet consists of cooked fish.  Soon to be fish and chips, maybe?  Think my doctor would be happier if I just stuck to cooked fish though.............


兎に角、彼此で点梃子舞でしたが合間に木材専門畑を開拓できました。Planter植え木機Harvester伐採機Sludge Boilerドロン機の三大機で立ち回って貰う木畑です。三大共に電源を提供しないと作動しないシロモノです。PlanterとHarvesterは溶岩発電機を使って作動させて、ドロン機は危険なので同じ危険なTNT発電機を使わせる計画でした。その為に五個も作りました。宝袋の褒美がtntだったので使えというお告げ。信じて造りますです。キッと 幸先良いことでしょう。ハイ。







Monday, June 2, 2014

It's slower but! O.O

at least it turns on! and I could actually play for quite some time.  Not sure exactly how long the poor thing is going to last though but hopefully until I finish AS?  Though seeing as how slow I go the laptop's probably going to give out before I come even close to finishing. We can hope though.

And since the pc is working, however slow it may be, perhaps we can progress in AS as well, however slow I may be.  Picking up from where we last left off, the automation of our cobble generator, we are left with the old cobble generator and what to do with it.  Because the island is rather small and the old generator is rather bulky, the logical thing to do would be to dismantle the generator and free up the room.  But then again, when have I ever been logical? 

Nope, instead we just go and make the old cobble generator into our dedicated gravel maker.  Yes, you could go and make a pulverizer to make gravel, sand and/or dust as it takes no additional material other than RF/MJ or whatever source of energy it needs to run unlike the set-up I am currently using.  And yes, I did do this on the other island - even went on to make 3 pulverizers so I could do it all at once quickly.  However, I'm not in so much of a rush this time, and I'm ok with making more hammers for the machine to use - especially since I finally figured out how to pipe them into the machine from a chest now.

To automate the grave-making process without the use of a pulverizer, we make an Autonomous Activator, AA-kun for short.  This device will mimic the actions of a player's right or left click. It also does sneak shift but we're just mainly concerned about it's ability to click left or right.  The recipe as always is available from NEI, requiring mats like diamonds, emeralds, and invar - you did make the smeltery, right?  

Once made, we place AA-kun in his new home at the cobble generator.  He will be placed at the same level of the cobble being formed - in the spot you normally stand to grind on a cobble - the green spot in the picture. 
^ From the old island

The 'face' (the side with the moving mouth) should be facing the cobble and the other 'mouth' will be facing you when you stand in the back.  You can change the way the 'face' faces by clicking on it with a cresent hammer.  

old island raised generator with hopper & chest
Now, before you place him, you do need to put a hopper below the cobble so when the cobble, or gravel in this case, is mined it will drop in to the hopper and then flows into the attached chest below.  You did extend the island lower with the piston ladder way and make your second floor so you could place your hopper and access  your chest from there, right?  Because if you don't do this, you will be left to scratching your head as to where the cobble/gravel block is disappearing to and how you were suppose to get it in the first place.  The other alternative would have been to elevate the cobble generator, as we did on our first island map.

Having placed AA-kun, you now need to fill his inventory up with some hammers or attach an inventory to him via chest so he can get hammers to use to grind cobble into gravel.  Once he has the hammers, he will follow your instructions on whether to right click or left click via the mouse icon, in this case, left click to pound down the cobble.  Next, check to make sure he is pounding at eye-level (three options here of up arrow, line or down arrow) - the straight white line.  After that is done, all you need to do is let him at it!  Set the redstone signal to ignore and he'll keep on going until you stop him.  Which you can do by turning the redstone signal to high - if you don't attach any redstone devices like a lever or button to him.  

twin rear view

twin front view
Once this is done and your gravel production flows along almost as quickly as your cobble production,  you can make a few more of these quickly for some other menial tasks, like sifting blocks through sieves or helping with the smeltery.  The sieve twins here are especially useful as it can also double as a sand and dust grinder - one can place the block and the other can hammer it.  With a lever to stop them from behind, some item collectors above to suck up the drops and a chest attached to hold the drops you're set to go.  These twins really go a long way in alleviating the grindy part of gathering resources so I'd recommend getting a set or two just for these purposes.  And since some of the most grindy parts are being relieved from you, maybe now we can turn our short attention to the matters of a farm now? 



と言う訳で、話進めます。何回か第二夫人に点いて触れているかと思いますがAAくんです。Autonomous Activator又の名はプレイヤー代理くんです。プレイヤーが右クリックか左クリックで行う作業を同じ様にしてくれて退屈の時間から開放してくれる良夫です。又の名は便利君でも良いかも。兎に角AAくんを何台か養えれば左団扇間違え無しです。 ナンカチガウ・・・・




Fishing for squids?
でもこれだけでは砂利は造れても砂利は拾ってわくれないので 丸石の下にHopperとチェストを置きます。で、ここで製造機の持ち上げ話になります。チェストとhopperを置くには地面を掘り下げて下に置くか製造機を持ち上げて丸石の下に滑る込ませるかしなければ成りません。 で、偶然にも地下段階が出来上がったいたので持ち上げず下を開けて置きました。計画なし行き当たりバッタリでも何とかなるさ~的な瞬間でした。だって、地下はイカ墨場として造ったんだもん。話、逸れますが実際に最下段階イカ釣り牧場になっていたり。結局、下迄ガラス張りにして一寸溜まる様に陸揚げで逝ける様にな感じで忘れた頃に下に下りてみると珠にイカ墨とかイカの身が泳いでいたりします。可愛いイカさんです。

Helping with Ingots and Blocks

