Saturday, August 30, 2014

Now onto PneumaticCraft?

Actually, no.  Because before you can do PneumaticCraft there are a bunch of things you will need to get ready.  This is, of course, only if you are still playing version 1.1 because if you're playing version 1.2 then all you really have to do is go adventure in the abandoned cities to salvage most if not all of the pieces needed for your pneumatics.  Thus, if you were playing in 1.2, you'd have to prep for facing off with tons of mobs, spawners and the dangerous bomber pigs.  Personally, I prefer prepping for a more peaceful crafting experience but to each his or her own.  So, onto prepping for 1.1.

And to this end we begin by setting up some simple systems.  Simple because I still enjoy puttering around on my base - if you don't I'd suggest jumping ahead and setting up your SteveFactoryManager set-ups and such for a much cleaner and compact working quarter.  But I'm still enjoying my puttering so I'm sticking to my pipes - for now.  Besides, I'd have to go do more research on how the heck am I suppose to use this SFM thing before I could use it, wouldn't I?

Anywayz, once I get my immediate food and water needs out of the way, I like to automate - just a bit.  No machines as yet because we'd need to go do PnueCraft for that but we work with what we have.  So to begin, I normally like to set up a dirty water converting station.  Just a bunch of pipes and chest connected to a furnace based on old vanilla mechanics.  The furnace has a pipe at the top connected to the dirty water bottle chest.  The bottom pipe is connected to the water bottle chest to the furnace.  Finally the pipe connecting to the side has a chest with whatever I use to fuel the furnace with - logs, coal, plants, lava buckets etc.

Next, we tackle the food farm by going downwards because our farm will be expanding that way. 
water flows down, down, down
This is because the flow of water downwards is, so far and hope it stays that way, endless.  In other words, you can go down as far as you can and the water should still flow all the way down.  Thus a SINGLE source block of water can create an endless 9x9 farm tower.  One of these tiers will be devoted to the PneuCraft seeds production. Additionally, this waterfall will on occasion result in the death of a squid - you'll see the proof of it when you go to harvest your fields.  The ink sac will be useful in pneucraft as it helps seed the production of black plastic.  Pun intended.

We also make a patch of green grass where we can grow our trees and till and bone for more seeds and Pams saplings.  Just remember to remind yourself, LEAVE ONE PATCH OF GRASS so it replenishes
itself.  Overhead, we construct a stairway going up so we can shear the jumbo trees without jumping as much.  We also make a glass walkway overhead so the trees don't grow too large - as we're still doing this by hand and the bigger the tree the greater the hunger you will feel.  Right next to it we also set-up our composting station with a chest for the organic mats connected with an item node to the pipes above the barrels and dirt taken from below with TE itemducts to the dirt chest.  None of which requires a servo.

You'll also want to make yourself a cobblestone generator.  Now, you could to it with the extra utilities node as this would be a fast, cheap and easy way to make a cobble generator.  You could make the stone with the pyrotheum and water by drawing the two together into a canal that meets up - if you're not derpy.  I am.

Thus, I prefer the old-fashion cobblestone generator - for several reasons besides being derpy.  First, I like to get both cobble and gravel at the same time.  If I were to do it with the node, I'd get a lot of cobble, but the gravel, I would have to hammer from cobble.  If I do this set-up, I can put my Autonomous Activator on the generator to mine cobble and hammer the stone at the same time.  This would mean I can devote my hammer time to my sieving gravel time instead - because I like my bling as soon as possible (and we need a lot of iron for pneucraft).  This also lets me level up a bunch of TiCon pickaxes.  Which could be useful if you go to a city in 1.2 because the spawners would take a considerable time to break with just a bone/flint pick, I hear.  Second, this generator will also spawn the occasional squid as a side benefit.  Which can be used to craft your initial black plastic seed for pneucraft.  Sometimes, you'll even find the seed already made for you in the chest.  Of course, once you have enough gravel for your needs, you can also replace the AA with the item node or a terrain smasher and just get cobble.

And once you do remove the AA from the cobble generator, you can devote him to sifting for you with this set-up - no water or ender pearl required.  As the gravel will yield more iron than the dust and give you diamonds for armor to boot, we'll have him do a combo of dust and gravel while we do more base building.  There might be other ways that are less space consuming but I always find it kind of funny to watch my sifted items flow along the path to the dumping chest at the end.  We set up the AA on one end with a fan both activated by the same lever.  You can also stand across from the AA and help him along for faster sifting.   The items from the sieves will float gently across the runway all the way to the end where it will drop into the hopper and then into the chest.  Later we connect some nodes and pipes to a bunch of jabba barrels because it looks prettier.  The only disadvantage to this set-up is - it will sometimes push you along as well.  It will also push along the occasional endermen if it appears around this area.

AND of course, it goes without saying the first thing you do after getting a bed and securing your immediate water/food needs was to enlarge the ditch and wall area so you'd have the space to do all the above.  But I figure that goes without saying.  Seems obvious.  I mean, what idiot would do all of the above without first enlarging the base, right?  Right?  Right?   *sigh* goes back to building the walls around the trees.........

*So, if you're doing some base building?  I'd consider doing some of the above from the end to the beginning of this walkthrough...........


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