Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mom was good!

And I got a little free time XD.  So onward we go! (We'll take a break from the funfic unless someone really is wanting them? o.O)

Now, after the construction of your T for trees for-tress, there are 3 things you want to keep in mind if you want to survive.  They are:

1)  You need FOOD!
3)  YOU NEED TO NOT FIGHT!!!! At least until you get more of the first two. :P

Of the three, #3 will be the hardest to do at this time because it will soon be night after the construction of your for-trees.  Much would depend on the version you are playing and whether you feel comfortable with fiddling with some files.

In the version I am playing, the Zombie Awareness(ZA) mod has been turned off at the time of shipping, so to speak.  The ZA mod makes zombies (and maybe other mobs, I'm not sure about this part) make a straight beeline towards you.  This would make it extremely easy to do resource gathering because all you'd have to do is wait until the sun comes out and collect the dropped mats from your trench.  You should have tons of zombie flesh and bones to collect.

On the other hand, if you have ZA turned off, and I wasn't aware of why until later, then you have two options.  One, you can go turn it on by taking off the ".disabled" portion off the file name in the config file in your CL folder.  Two, you can play with it off.  And since I didn't know it was off to begin with I played with it off.  Not all that hard to do really, if we keep in mind the 3 rules above.

One of the biggest disadvantages of not having ZA on is the lack of mob drops.  No tons of zombie flesh to decompose into dirt via ex nihilo barrels for you.  And since you want a lot of dirt, having it off makes life just that much harder for you.  But we can still manage as long as we have our trees, in plural.  And really, having it on might be good but having it off is not too bad.  At least you won't have to worry about the tons of zombies hunting you down later on if and when you chose to travel beyond your base.  And they will.  Hunt you down.  I like having it off XD.



で、ですね?最後にお話したのが木の要塞だったと思うのですがこれが完成する頃には即夜です。 というか自分鈍いので夜頃にしか完成しません。行き当たりばったりだと色々無駄が多いです。で、長い一日が終わって更に長い夜が待っているんですがこの先生き延びるには如何するんでしょうか?


第三法則、戦わずして生き延びるんだ! 特に第一第二が未だ充実していない限り。



Zombie Awarenessというモッドが有りますがこのモッド・パックにも搭載されております。で、Verによってオンにされたりオフにされたりします。運が悪いのか良いのか分かりませんが自分がプレイしだした時はオフにされていたようです。で、ですね?このmodオフとオンでの温度差でプレイスタイルを変えなくてはならなくなります。





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