Causes me to have very little playtime. So more funfics, I guess?
Journal Entry 10:45 GTD 30120412
Having calculated the perimeter of the crashsite and the area which I would have to encompass to create a shelter, I quickly abandoned my initial plans. Not knowing what sort of creatures may come knocking, I concluded that it might be wiser to devise something small - at least initially. It would have to be big enough for some trees to grow though as the information I have obtained from the AI unit indicates that organic matter may be my only method of creating usable water at the moment.
Don't want to go too far from the ship though, in case there is a rescue team. The blaze from the pyrotheum should act as a clear beacon to any ships passing by searching for my whereabouts. Too hot to stay around it though.
Journal Entry 11:30 GTD 30120412
It feels so hot. Progress is slow but steady. I'm keeping my eyes on the surrounding area and still no signs of life other than myself. Maybe my worries are unfounded. Still.
The trench I'm digging hopefully will be deep enough to 'trap' any entity that approaches the walls of my enclosure. Hopefully they aren't much taller than I am. This trench and the wall I'll be building soon will hopefully be enough to keep me safe until I am rescued or I am able to create a safer stronghold.
That's a lot of hopeful.
Journal Entry 14:45 GTD 30120312
The trench is finally done. It'll have to do as I still have to work on the wall. Anything that drops into that pit will mostly likely not be able to climb out. Easy to fall into, difficult to climb out. Best sort of defense I can come up with in this situation. Best be careful to not fall in there myself. Not that I couldn't climb out after removing a piece of this dust. But at the current depth, it would be impossible unless I break a block to jump up on.
That piece of dirt and sapling from the AI are my only hopes for keeping alive so I'd best doing my best to protect it as well as I can. By my calculations (my math skills are horrendous), the trench had to be at least wide enough to give me 5 sq across so the tree could grow safely. No roof though as the tree should provide a cool canopy overhead once it's grown. And since I need it to grow as quickly as possible best to set it down now since the trench seems to be the correct width. It should even give me enough room to put down a workbench or two.
Imagine that, able to travel amongst the stars and now, I'm reduced to using my bare hands to dig dirt. Progress, I tell you.
Journal Entry 17:15 GTD 30120312
The sun is almost setting. And the tree still hasn't grown. The water in the camel pack is starting to reach critical levels. I'm so hungry. At least the wall is finally done. What to do next? Maybe a small 'roof' in the corner to shield me from sight. The workbench will provide some coverage. Just in case.
Journal Entry 17:30 GTD 30120312
OMG! There are so many of them. And the tree still hasn't grown.
I forgot I had some bonemeal on me. Just in time too. I can hear the scuttling growing louder. I'm so hot, the sweat won't stop.
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