Wednesday, August 13, 2014


ME, always playing on peaceful, needed to kill me an endermen for a quest and I manage to do it!  Well, actually, I managed to do it the three times I died before too but then again, I died soon after so maybe it was the ender curse?  On previous attempts, I even built a small safehouse to do it from.  This time, the darn fellow popped up before I was completely ready.  They're bad for your heart. I'm so happy that's over. Unfortunately, for me, the good news ends there. *boo hoo*

Now, for the bad news, the modpack has been updated to its newest version.  There are suppose to be ruins to explore, all the scary mods are turned on along with griefing, and on top of that, your grout is no longer attainable unless you go to explore the ruins with it's mobs, dark chambers, even scarier mobs and various spawners.  Just for that I probably won't be updating - for a while anyway.  At least until I finish more of the quests and get a handle on the pnuenue craft thing first.  At the very least.   Hope I never understand how to use the pnuenue.




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