Really. This game, is like, so in tune with the current weather, don't you think? Perfect for the hot summer days so you can actually feel for Steve. Because Steve (or rather you, or in this case, me) is sweaty, thristy and going to die from heatstroke soon if you don't do something to alleviate your water problems. Yes, we can virtually die from heatstroke. It wasn't pleasant. Yes, I've done it a few time in the beginning.
So what to do? Well, in the world of Crash Landing, we're virtually unable to create an infinite water source. No 2 x 2 square with 2 buckets of water for endless water for your camel pack to cool off or for you to drink. It does, however, provide us with a number of different methods to extract water from our environment. So, first things first, we explore our options for creating water.
One of the first methods we are introduced to for water production is the fluid transposer. You get an early quest in the book that allows you to make water by feeding the fluid transposer 10 saplings to make 1000mb of water. Which is enough for a bottle of water. Or a bucket of water. Logic does not apply to Minecraft - at least not your logic. Maybe it was a very big bottle? o.o
Unfortunately, this method has two drawbacks. The first is that it requires 10 saplings. Or 10 leaf blocks. It's 2 more than the cheapest method of making water (we'll get to that one later.) That's 2 less trees you could have planted. If you made 4 bottles of water, it would have been 1 more bottle you could have made with another method - if the math was right there?
The second drawback is the power requirement. The fluid transposer requires energy to operate. Which means, you need to create energy. Unfortunately, by the time you can make the generators and dynamos for the energy, you'd most likely be dead. At least, you would be if you were me. Which you're not so maybe you wouldn't be? Eh, at any rate, I'd be dead because the only generator you can make early on would most likely be the survivalist generator which requires a furnace, redstone, and some cobble, I think.......maybe a bit more but basic mats that were easily available once your water worries were out of the way. But if you were able to make a generator, you'd probably have an even better way of making water so we'll nix this method for the moment.
Another method of making water introduced by quest is by melting leaves in a crucible. This method also requires 10 leave blocks and requires heat. Which will make you hotter. And you'll most likely have only one crucible so if you use it to make water, you won't be able to use it for other things, like making it your mini smeltery for your metals. So, we'll shelve this idea of water making too.
Other methods you come across if you look at the NEI for bottled water is 8 cactus around an empty bottle. This method would be feasible if you had a
lot of cactus. Which at the beginning you don't so toss it out the window for now. And the same can be said about your aqueous accumulator, which wouldn't require energy but it does require more advanced technology to build.
Yes, I made a cactus farm :P |
So we come to the final but previously mentioned cheapest, quickest, and most efficient early-game way to get water so far, which would be making dirt and combining it with a glass bottle to get dirty water, which if you cooked in a furnace would give you a bottle of water that can be used in your camel pack. That was a long sentence.
This method requires only 8 organic matter - which doesn't have to be only leaves and saplings, but anything else like zombie flesh, apples, fish, eggs, worms, food, etc. It also does not require energy so no need for the generator. It does however, requires a barrel, wooden is fine, and a furnace. So punch wood and sift dust. Yes, you could sift dirt and it would give you more stones to make your slab furnace faster but the dust works just as well. Not like you're going to be doing much at night anyway. Besides, you might need that dirt for something else, like growing more food. So maybe stick to dust, just in case.
その一、FluidTransposer。これは苗木か葉っぱブロックを10個必要とします。電源も要ります。で、今造れる電源発電機はSurvivalist Generatorだけだったりします。他はスタート時点では無理です。科学力が足りません。諦めましょう。と言うかSurvivalistGeneratorが造れるようだったらもっと良い方法があります。でも、先ずはもっと駄目な方法の説明からです。ハイ。
その二、Crucibleを使って葉っぱブロックを溶かして水を搾り取る方法です。でもこれだと金属品が造れなくなります。 溶岩もです。どちらかと言うとその為に使いたいCrucibleです。お負けに葉っぱ10個です。FluidTransposer同様、資源が限られています。
その三+その他で、サボテン農場を造って逝けばサボテンから水が造れます。燃料も要りません。でも初期段階では先ずサボテンが無いですし、砂も無いです。ので、今は諦めなくては成りません。序でにAqueous Accumulator水夫くんも諦めて貰いましょう。かなり先に進めないと科学力が足りません。一昨日来やがれと言われるだけです。諦めが肝心なモッドです。
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