Friday, August 1, 2014

Crash Landing FunFic?

Journal Entry:  08:00GTD 301204012
GOD DAMMED THOSE FURRY BLUE BALLS born of a lowly worm! "It'll be fine," they said. "No need to worry about the single engine design," they said.  "Perfectly safe," they said. 

I'll show them what's safe, when I get my hands on their scrawny necks!  Argghhh!!!
Nice skylight.  Well, that's out of my system.

Journal Entry: 08:10GTD 30120412
First things first.  Thanks be the Force for keeping me alive so I will have the opportunity to eventually correct the notions of those blue furballs.

Initial observations.  It's dammed hot.  And unfortunately, the only water in sight was salty.  Very salty.   I believe the water tank must have leaked into the planet surface.  And since it was perfectly fine to drink when I was in flight I suppose this means something from the planet must have mixed into the water to make it salty.

Journal Entry:  08:45GTD 30120412
The initial observation would be correct.  Apparently the planetary 'dust' is composed of a variety of material we can sift.  Luckily, I never leave home without my sieve.  Too bad, I even left home to begin with.

.....Mustn't let the situation get to me.  THINK ABOUT WRINGING SOME BALLS BLUE.  A rather cheerful thought, that.

Amazingly enough, those blue balls did manage to put an AI on to the ship, although it's barely functional, beggars can't be choosing.  It's been a fairly useful source of information.

Journal Entry:  09:15GTD 30120412
Having initiated a few tasks for the AI, I have managed to now obtain a camel pack and a few bottles of water, some of them are even cold.  Probably save the cold ones for later, just in case I overheat.  Who would have thought though, that instead of drinking the water, you put it in your pack to cool you off.  Those camels from ancient Earth, genius, I tell you.

Journal Entry:  09:45 GTD 30120412
It's still hot.  And though this camel pack is helping, the water is depleting with every tick of the clock.  Without some renewable source of water soon, I'll be........

Anyway, the AI has indicated that I should be able to use the Fluid Transposers to convert saplings into water.  It does need energy though.

The leftover sandwiches also help the food situation for the moment, but it won't be lasting forever.  I must do something to rectify this situation.

Journal Entry:  10:30 GTD 30120412
I've received some ominous indications that I may not be alone on this planet.  The AI is suggesting I make a knife blade.  He is also suggesting that I decontaminate dead flesh before consumption.  This would indicate to me that there is something I need to defend myself against.  Why else would you need to make a knife?  And that if successful I am to consume their flesh to survive.  I can always hope it'll be a pig, I suppose?

Either way, I should think about shelter I think as this pot-hole ridden ship bodes ill for me if there is something not so friendly.  This flat terrain doesn't offer much in terms of defense.  That survival experience in those treacherous caverns comes in handy now.  I'll need something to prevent the hostile natives from invading my base, just in case.  A trench perhaps for them to fall into and a wall surrounding the compound to hide behind.  I wonder what the inhabitants are like though.  Hostile or friendly?  Best to be safe I suppose.

ええっと、今日は一寸悪戯で、もし本当にCrash Landingしていたら如何いう具合に感じていただろうかと思いながら日記風日記を付けてみました。中々難しい感じです。英語でしか書かないかもです。日記部分。

という訳です。今日は実際のCrash Landing似非講座はないと思います。大体初代要塞に魂使い果たしましたので。と言いたい所ですが実際はPnuematic Craftに無い頭使い捲くっているので中々気力が沸きません。矢張り思った程優しくないです。と言うかなんかめんどくさそうな気が・・・・・・

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