PneumaticCraft is such a pain in the nether regions. So much waste and so much breaking. Not that it's particularly hard but it's so .........bah humbug. Especially since I'm so derpy. For lack of a better description. Good thing we're not going to talk about it today.
Because we left off worried about water and food and so we pick up there first. Now, our first priority was water simply because the water depletes faster than our food bar. Especially if we aren't running around killing all the mobs by punching them. After considering several options, we've or rather I, normally chose to concentrate on water by dirty water smelting, at this point because of its relative cheapness.
Now that the water option is taken care of, we can concentrate on our other concern of life and death, FOOD. Yes, just about the time you get your furnace and managed to survive this long, you will begin to notice your food bar is getting rather low. If you had an unfortunate run in with four spiders and a creeper riding on one of them, it'll be even low. Especially if it happens all at once. Be sure to check above before walking out from your leafy canopy.
Anywayz, this modpack has Spice of Life (SOL) installed, along with Harvestcraft. There's also something called HungerOverhaul which kicks in. Working all together, they bring about a new meaning to the terms of starving to death. Here, in Crash Landing, if you don't eat aka get down to your last hunger bar, you will die. Immediately. No - wait, wait, wait, let me go get the stack of rotten flesh I have in the chest to eat. Here, it is - always, always, carry several types of food on you at all times and at least 1 bottle of water. Why not just your stack of rotten flesh? Well, that's SOB for you. Opps, rather, SOL for you.
True feelings aside, at the beginning we are granted a buffer against SOL and all the other nastiness from those mods above. Actually, Harvestcraft is rather nice by itself - one of the reasons I like playing mods. We can eat whatever we want as much as we want to restore our hunger - as long as it's edible. This said, I will add on the qualification here. Rotten flesh will cause you hunger if eaten as is and since we know you can starve to death, eating rotten flesh on an empty stomach can be detrimental to your health. Really.
So, how do we progress then? Well, we worked towards our water production by creating dirt via saplings in wooden barrels. We need several barrels - at least 3 but 5 would be better. So in between crooking trees, sifting dust, making your tinker tools, be sure to make your barrels too. The first three barrels, you will devote to dirt for water. When you finally have enough to fill the fourth barrel, smile. Your food production will begin to start.
But what if you still only have enough saplings for 1 barrel? And your hunger bar keeps going down? Never fear, we have you covered. Prior to farming, you have several options available for food as well. Never as good as farm food but it'll do until you have a dirt to farm from.
a bit cramped but I like it |
Option 1 - zombie flesh. Yes, I know I said you shouldn't eat it because it causes hunger and you might starve to death. And I stand by that. You can, however, prep the meat prior to consumption so it can be eaten. Just like you can drink or use muddy water, you can eat poisonous flesh. Preparations can be made in one of two ways. One, you can make some drying racks - like in AS, 3 wood slabs form a drying rack. You can hang the flesh from there and make edible jerky from it. The other, quicker way, would be to salt the meat with 2 pieces of salt you get from sifting dirt. This also creates an edible jerky. These two jerkys though qualify as two different food types so once SOL kicks in, you will have a different food option to keep your hunger bar full.
Which is good because SOL and the other mods make it so that once it kicks in you get finicky about your food choices. If you eat more than five of the same type of food, it no longer fills your stomach and you stay hungry. And it fills you up less each time. The only way to stay full then at this point would be to switch to a different type of food. So having two different types of jerky would be important in the beginning if you don't have a lot of food choices.
But that's only two types of food you have there, and you want a lot more available to you so you can get the food problems out of the way. So, that extra fourth dirt piece you finally got? Put it down and plant either the rice or orange tree you get from the quest. Preferably the rice as you can bonemeal it into an edible item whereas the fruit tree, you will have to wait for it to mature after you bonemeal it into a tree. So, rice first, tree on the next dirt piece.
However, if you're still desperate for more food at this point, consider sifting dust. And pray to get lucky. I did. And good thing someone was listening because I had a bunch of eggs and fishes from the dirt(<meant dust here). This too can be cooked for more food. So to this end, we can invest in a bunch of cooking utensils from Harvestcraft to help cook the food. Eat the orange raw or juice it for juice. The egg is normally not edible by itself but craft it with a pot from Pams mod and you can eat a hard boiled egg. Or scrambled eggs if you have a frying pan from Pams - not the tinker's one.
Speaking of which, the tinker's frying pan can be useful for early game play both as a weapon and also as a cooking utensil. Because one of the byproduct you get from crooking trees is silkworms, which we learned from AS is edible once you cook it. So you could also choice to make this from your excess wood to cook the silk worms if you don't have enough to make a furnace yet. It could also cook your fish and rice (yes, you can cook the rice and have another food type available) at the same time for more fuel efficiency. Depending on your luck, you may not need it at all - I tend to be lucky.
When you do get enough saplings to spare for the first dirt piece though you'll need to go get the water from the crash site. So to this end, we either make a clay bucket from the clay that is holding the water or if we have enough iron, we make a bucket. Now, in the version I am playing, we are still lucky enough to be able to craft grout. However, if you are playing version .2 and on, unfortunately for you, you can't make grout. Which might be lucky in this case because you can just chose to make your bucket from clay and use the iron for shears. So, maybe I was unlucky because I had to chose. And I chose to make grout - later.
Once you've selected a spot for your water and farmland, you can now prep the dirt by tilling it with a hoe or mattock. I didn't have enough wood to make a mattock when I noticed my hunger bar so I ended up making a hoe. It only has one use but one time is all you need in the beginning. And beggars can't be choosing so I made my hoe and tilled my block of dirt. As a note, if you use a mattock the water needs to be in hydrating distance of your dirt piece or it won't even till the dirt for you.
So, now hopefully you're on your way to surviving and thriving (in the words of my favorite minecrafter). And remember to sleep at night to help. Next on the list a few thing I do after the first bed to make life easier.
Soon you too will have a farm. In the meanwhile, feel free to drool :P |
Finally, sorry if the writing is more confusing than normal. Mom's been talking to me for the last few hours. Non-stop. While I write this. I'm going a bit nuts. Sighs.
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