Saturday, August 30, 2014

Now onto PneumaticCraft?

Actually, no.  Because before you can do PneumaticCraft there are a bunch of things you will need to get ready.  This is, of course, only if you are still playing version 1.1 because if you're playing version 1.2 then all you really have to do is go adventure in the abandoned cities to salvage most if not all of the pieces needed for your pneumatics.  Thus, if you were playing in 1.2, you'd have to prep for facing off with tons of mobs, spawners and the dangerous bomber pigs.  Personally, I prefer prepping for a more peaceful crafting experience but to each his or her own.  So, onto prepping for 1.1.

And to this end we begin by setting up some simple systems.  Simple because I still enjoy puttering around on my base - if you don't I'd suggest jumping ahead and setting up your SteveFactoryManager set-ups and such for a much cleaner and compact working quarter.  But I'm still enjoying my puttering so I'm sticking to my pipes - for now.  Besides, I'd have to go do more research on how the heck am I suppose to use this SFM thing before I could use it, wouldn't I?

Anywayz, once I get my immediate food and water needs out of the way, I like to automate - just a bit.  No machines as yet because we'd need to go do PnueCraft for that but we work with what we have.  So to begin, I normally like to set up a dirty water converting station.  Just a bunch of pipes and chest connected to a furnace based on old vanilla mechanics.  The furnace has a pipe at the top connected to the dirty water bottle chest.  The bottom pipe is connected to the water bottle chest to the furnace.  Finally the pipe connecting to the side has a chest with whatever I use to fuel the furnace with - logs, coal, plants, lava buckets etc.

Next, we tackle the food farm by going downwards because our farm will be expanding that way. 
water flows down, down, down
This is because the flow of water downwards is, so far and hope it stays that way, endless.  In other words, you can go down as far as you can and the water should still flow all the way down.  Thus a SINGLE source block of water can create an endless 9x9 farm tower.  One of these tiers will be devoted to the PneuCraft seeds production. Additionally, this waterfall will on occasion result in the death of a squid - you'll see the proof of it when you go to harvest your fields.  The ink sac will be useful in pneucraft as it helps seed the production of black plastic.  Pun intended.

We also make a patch of green grass where we can grow our trees and till and bone for more seeds and Pams saplings.  Just remember to remind yourself, LEAVE ONE PATCH OF GRASS so it replenishes
itself.  Overhead, we construct a stairway going up so we can shear the jumbo trees without jumping as much.  We also make a glass walkway overhead so the trees don't grow too large - as we're still doing this by hand and the bigger the tree the greater the hunger you will feel.  Right next to it we also set-up our composting station with a chest for the organic mats connected with an item node to the pipes above the barrels and dirt taken from below with TE itemducts to the dirt chest.  None of which requires a servo.

You'll also want to make yourself a cobblestone generator.  Now, you could to it with the extra utilities node as this would be a fast, cheap and easy way to make a cobble generator.  You could make the stone with the pyrotheum and water by drawing the two together into a canal that meets up - if you're not derpy.  I am.

Thus, I prefer the old-fashion cobblestone generator - for several reasons besides being derpy.  First, I like to get both cobble and gravel at the same time.  If I were to do it with the node, I'd get a lot of cobble, but the gravel, I would have to hammer from cobble.  If I do this set-up, I can put my Autonomous Activator on the generator to mine cobble and hammer the stone at the same time.  This would mean I can devote my hammer time to my sieving gravel time instead - because I like my bling as soon as possible (and we need a lot of iron for pneucraft).  This also lets me level up a bunch of TiCon pickaxes.  Which could be useful if you go to a city in 1.2 because the spawners would take a considerable time to break with just a bone/flint pick, I hear.  Second, this generator will also spawn the occasional squid as a side benefit.  Which can be used to craft your initial black plastic seed for pneucraft.  Sometimes, you'll even find the seed already made for you in the chest.  Of course, once you have enough gravel for your needs, you can also replace the AA with the item node or a terrain smasher and just get cobble.

And once you do remove the AA from the cobble generator, you can devote him to sifting for you with this set-up - no water or ender pearl required.  As the gravel will yield more iron than the dust and give you diamonds for armor to boot, we'll have him do a combo of dust and gravel while we do more base building.  There might be other ways that are less space consuming but I always find it kind of funny to watch my sifted items flow along the path to the dumping chest at the end.  We set up the AA on one end with a fan both activated by the same lever.  You can also stand across from the AA and help him along for faster sifting.   The items from the sieves will float gently across the runway all the way to the end where it will drop into the hopper and then into the chest.  Later we connect some nodes and pipes to a bunch of jabba barrels because it looks prettier.  The only disadvantage to this set-up is - it will sometimes push you along as well.  It will also push along the occasional endermen if it appears around this area.

AND of course, it goes without saying the first thing you do after getting a bed and securing your immediate water/food needs was to enlarge the ditch and wall area so you'd have the space to do all the above.  But I figure that goes without saying.  Seems obvious.  I mean, what idiot would do all of the above without first enlarging the base, right?  Right?  Right?   *sigh* goes back to building the walls around the trees.........

*So, if you're doing some base building?  I'd consider doing some of the above from the end to the beginning of this walkthrough...........


Monday, August 25, 2014





で、ですね?食品多い方が良いと言う事になるんですが始まった段階から計画を した方が良かったりします。困った時の神頼みは良くありません。何とか成りますが運しだいです。水の次に心配になるのが餓死だからです。偏食しなければいいのに。



で、米とオレンジですがコレも工夫すると処変わらず品変わるをしてくれます。米を焼きますと煎餅に成ったり、オレンジも搾るとジュースが食べれます。ジュースでも食べ物です。飲み物に悪しからず。 でも、搾るにはHarvestCraftのジューサーJuicerを作らなくては成りません。その序でに他のHarvestCraftお料理道具を作っておけばクエストも完成しますし、料理の幅も増えます。クエストの褒美に貰える道具も在りますので確認してから作る事をお勧めしいます。


又、FryingPanですがHarvestCraftの物だけではなくTinker's ConstructのFryingPan(ASではお馴染みかと)を使われた場合、未だ竈が作れない場合食材を焼く事が出来ますので便利かもしれません。武器としても便利です。ノックバックとノロノロ効果が付随していますので。お負けに骨粉で造れます。(骨のTinker's Contruct武器道具類は骨粉でも大丈夫です。と言うかこの方が得って気も)。



で、道具の話になりますが畑を耕すにはhoe鍬です。が、此方の鍬は一回の使い捨てです。でも背に腹は変えられないので材料が足りない時一回の使い捨てでも有り難やだったりしました。何回か繰り返せば覚えられるかもしれません。もっと材料が揃っている時に鍬より使える道具を作っておこうって。で、その道具がMattockだったりしいます。MattockはTinker's Constructの道具で斧とスコップのパタンで骨分Mattockを造れます。このMattockで便利なのは畑を耕せることです。でも水の潤いが届く範囲でしか耕せないので土ブロック数える必要が無くなって便利。数えるのって苦手なんです。後このMattockですが先程の草畑に使うと偶に種をくれます。この際の注意事項ですが草ブロック一つ残さないと草が生え返れません。後、水が近すぎると土に戻らずFarmland食物専用土に変わるので種が出ませんし、草も生え返りません。

で、ここ迄来れば後は畑を徐々に増やしていけば何れ食品にも困らなく成るんですね?大体が9x9の畑が目標だったりします。畑から毎日セッセと刈っては喰いでも大丈夫に成りました。でもお料理した方が腹持ちが良いのでPeanutButter & Jelly Sandwichシリーズを作ってます。お負けとしてタダでガラス瓶が貰えたりするので。タダって良いですよね?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

I hate to say it but

PneumaticCraft is such a pain in the nether regions.  So much waste and so much breaking. Not that it's particularly hard but it's so .........bah humbug. Especially since I'm so derpy.  For lack of a better description.  Good thing we're not going to talk about it today.

Because we left off worried about water and food and so we pick up there first.  Now, our first priority was water simply because the water depletes faster than our food bar.  Especially if we aren't running around killing all the mobs by punching them.  After considering several options, we've or rather I, normally chose to concentrate on water by dirty water smelting, at this point because of its relative cheapness.

Now that the water option is taken care of, we can concentrate on our other concern of life and death, FOOD.  Yes, just about the time you get your furnace and managed to survive this long, you will begin to notice your food bar is getting rather low.  If you had an unfortunate run in with four spiders and a creeper riding on one of them, it'll be even low.  Especially if it happens all at once.  Be sure to check above before walking out from your leafy canopy. 

Anywayz, this modpack has Spice of Life (SOL) installed, along with Harvestcraft.  There's also something called HungerOverhaul which kicks in.  Working all together, they bring about a new meaning to the terms of starving to death.   Here, in Crash Landing, if you don't eat aka get down to your last hunger bar, you will die.  Immediately.  No - wait, wait, wait, let me go get the stack of rotten flesh I have in the chest to eat.   Here, it is  - always, always, carry several types of food on you at all times and at least 1 bottle of water.  Why not just your stack of rotten flesh?  Well, that's SOB for you.  Opps, rather, SOL for you.

True feelings aside, at the beginning we are granted a buffer against SOL and all the other nastiness from those mods above.  Actually, Harvestcraft is rather nice by itself - one of the reasons I like playing mods.  We can eat whatever we want as much as we want to restore our hunger - as long as it's edible.  This said, I will add on the qualification here.  Rotten flesh will cause you hunger if eaten as is and since we know you can starve to death, eating rotten flesh on an empty stomach can be detrimental to your health.  Really. 

So, how do we progress then?  Well, we worked towards our water production by creating dirt via saplings in wooden barrels.  We need several barrels - at least 3 but 5 would be better.  So in between crooking trees, sifting dust, making your tinker tools, be sure to make your barrels too.  The first three barrels, you will devote to dirt for water.  When you finally have enough to fill the fourth barrel, smile. Your food production will begin to start. 

But what if you still only have enough saplings for 1 barrel? And your hunger bar keeps going down?  Never fear, we have you covered.  Prior to farming, you have several options available for food as well.  Never as good as farm food but it'll do until you have a dirt to farm from. 
a bit cramped but I like it

Option 1 - zombie flesh.  Yes, I know I said you shouldn't eat it because it causes hunger and you might starve to death.  And I stand by that.  You can, however, prep the meat prior to consumption so it can be eaten.  Just like you can drink or use muddy water, you can eat poisonous flesh.  Preparations can be made in one of two ways.  One, you can make some drying racks - like in AS, 3 wood slabs form a drying rack.  You can hang the flesh from there and make edible jerky from it.  The other, quicker way, would be to salt the meat with 2 pieces of salt you get from sifting dirt.  This also creates an edible jerky.  These two jerkys though qualify as two different food types so once SOL kicks in, you will have a different food option to keep your hunger bar full.

Which is good because SOL and the other mods make it so that once it kicks in you get finicky about your food choices.  If you eat more than five of the same type of food, it no longer fills your stomach and you stay hungry.  And it fills you up less each time. The only way to stay full then at this point would be to switch to a different type of food.  So having two different types of jerky would be important in the beginning if you don't have a lot of food choices.  

But that's only two types of food you have there, and you want a lot more available to you so you can get the food problems out of the way.  So, that extra fourth dirt piece you finally got?  Put it down and plant either the rice or orange tree you get from the quest.  Preferably the rice as you can bonemeal it into an edible item whereas the fruit tree, you will have to wait for it to mature after you bonemeal it into a tree.  So, rice first, tree on the next dirt piece.

However, if you're still desperate for more food at this point, consider sifting dust.  And pray to get lucky.  I did.  And good thing someone was listening because I had a bunch of eggs and fishes from the dirt(<meant dust here).  This too can be cooked for more food.  So to this end, we can invest in a bunch of cooking utensils from Harvestcraft to help cook the food.  Eat the orange raw or juice it for juice.  The egg is normally not edible by itself but craft it with a pot from Pams mod and you can eat a hard boiled egg.  Or scrambled eggs if you have a frying pan from Pams - not the tinker's one.  

Speaking of which, the tinker's frying pan can be useful for early game play both as a weapon and also as a cooking utensil.  Because one of the byproduct you get from crooking trees is silkworms, which we learned from AS is edible once you cook it.  So you could also choice to make this from your excess wood to cook the silk worms if you don't have enough to make a furnace yet.  It could also cook your fish and rice (yes, you can cook the rice and have another food type available) at the same time for more fuel efficiency.  Depending on your luck, you may not need it at all - I tend to be lucky.

When you do get enough saplings to spare for the first dirt piece though you'll need to go get the water from the crash site.  So to this end, we either make a clay bucket from the clay that is holding the water or if we have enough iron, we make a bucket.  Now, in the version I am playing, we are still lucky enough to be able to craft grout.  However, if you are playing version .2 and on, unfortunately for you, you can't make grout.  Which might be lucky in this case because you can just chose to make your bucket from clay and use the iron for shears.  So, maybe I was unlucky because I had to chose.  And I chose to make grout - later.  

Once you've selected a spot for your water and farmland, you can now prep the dirt by tilling it with a hoe or mattock.  I didn't have enough wood to make a mattock when I noticed my hunger bar so I ended up making a hoe.  It only has one use but one time is all you need in the beginning.  And beggars can't be choosing so I made my hoe and tilled my block of dirt.  As a note, if you use a mattock the water needs to be in hydrating distance of your dirt piece or it won't even till the dirt for you. 

So, now hopefully you're on your way to surviving and thriving (in the words of my favorite minecrafter).  And remember to sleep at night to help.  Next on the list a few thing I do after the first bed to make life easier.
Soon you too will have a farm.  In the meanwhile, feel free to drool :P

Finally, sorry if the writing is more confusing than normal.  Mom's been talking to me for the last few hours.  Non-stop.  While I write this. I'm going a bit nuts. Sighs.



Wednesday, August 13, 2014


ME, always playing on peaceful, needed to kill me an endermen for a quest and I manage to do it!  Well, actually, I managed to do it the three times I died before too but then again, I died soon after so maybe it was the ender curse?  On previous attempts, I even built a small safehouse to do it from.  This time, the darn fellow popped up before I was completely ready.  They're bad for your heart. I'm so happy that's over. Unfortunately, for me, the good news ends there. *boo hoo*

Now, for the bad news, the modpack has been updated to its newest version.  There are suppose to be ruins to explore, all the scary mods are turned on along with griefing, and on top of that, your grout is no longer attainable unless you go to explore the ruins with it's mobs, dark chambers, even scarier mobs and various spawners.  Just for that I probably won't be updating - for a while anyway.  At least until I finish more of the quests and get a handle on the pnuenue craft thing first.  At the very least.   Hope I never understand how to use the pnuenue.




Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It's hot and I'm thirsty

Really.  This game, is like, so in tune with the current weather, don't you think?  Perfect for the hot summer days so you can actually feel for Steve.  Because Steve (or rather you, or in this case, me) is sweaty, thristy and going to die from heatstroke soon if you don't do something to alleviate your water problems.  Yes, we can virtually die from heatstroke.  It wasn't pleasant.  Yes, I've done it a few time in the beginning.

So what to do?  Well, in the world of Crash Landing, we're virtually unable to create an infinite water source.  No 2 x 2 square with 2 buckets of water for endless water for your camel pack to cool off or for you to drink.  It does, however, provide us with a number of different methods to extract water from our environment. So, first things first, we explore our options for creating water.

One of the first methods we are introduced to for water production is the fluid transposer.  You get an early quest in the book that allows you to make water by feeding the fluid transposer 10 saplings to make 1000mb of water.  Which is enough for a bottle of water.  Or a bucket of water.  Logic does not apply to Minecraft - at least not your logic.  Maybe it was a very big bottle?  o.o

Unfortunately, this method has two drawbacks.  The first is that it requires 10 saplings.  Or 10 leaf blocks.  It's 2 more than the cheapest method of making water (we'll get to that one later.)  That's 2 less trees you could have planted.  If you made 4 bottles of water, it would have been 1 more bottle you could have made with another method - if the math was right there?  

The second drawback is the power requirement.  The fluid transposer requires energy to operate.  Which means, you need to create energy.  Unfortunately, by the time you can make the generators and dynamos for the energy, you'd most likely be dead.  At least, you would be if you were me.  Which you're not so maybe you wouldn't be?  Eh, at any rate, I'd be dead because the only generator you can make early on would most likely be the survivalist generator which requires a furnace, redstone, and some cobble, I think.......maybe a bit more but basic mats that were easily available once your water worries were out of the way.  But if  you were able to make a generator, you'd probably have an even better way of making water so we'll nix this method for the moment.

Another method of making water introduced by quest is by melting leaves in a crucible.  This method also requires 10 leave blocks and requires heat.  Which will make you hotter.  And you'll most likely have only one crucible so if you use it to make water, you won't be able to use it for other things, like making it your mini smeltery for your metals.  So, we'll shelve this idea of water making too.

Other methods you come across if you look at the NEI for bottled water is 8 cactus around an empty bottle.  This method would be feasible if you had a
Yes, I made a cactus farm :P
lot of cactus.  Which at the beginning you don't so toss it out the window for now.  And the same can be said about your aqueous accumulator, which wouldn't require energy but it does require more advanced technology to build.  

So we come to the final but previously mentioned cheapest, quickest, and most efficient early-game way to get water so far, which would be making dirt and combining it with a glass bottle to get dirty water, which if you cooked in a furnace would give you a bottle of water that can be used in your camel pack.  That was a long sentence.  

This method requires only 8 organic matter - which doesn't have to be only leaves and saplings, but anything else like zombie flesh, apples, fish, eggs, worms, food, etc.  It also does not require energy so no need for the generator.  It does however, requires a barrel, wooden is fine, and a furnace.  So punch wood and sift dust.  Yes, you could sift dirt and it would give you more stones to make your slab furnace faster but the dust works just as well.  Not like you're going to be doing much at night anyway.  Besides, you might need that dirt for something else, like growing more food.  So maybe stick to dust, just in case.






その一、FluidTransposer。これは苗木か葉っぱブロックを10個必要とします。電源も要ります。で、今造れる電源発電機はSurvivalist Generatorだけだったりします。他はスタート時点では無理です。科学力が足りません。諦めましょう。と言うかSurvivalistGeneratorが造れるようだったらもっと良い方法があります。でも、先ずはもっと駄目な方法の説明からです。ハイ。

その二、Crucibleを使って葉っぱブロックを溶かして水を搾り取る方法です。でもこれだと金属品が造れなくなります。 溶岩もです。どちらかと言うとその為に使いたいCrucibleです。お負けに葉っぱ10個です。FluidTransposer同様、資源が限られています。

その三+その他で、サボテン農場を造って逝けばサボテンから水が造れます。燃料も要りません。でも初期段階では先ずサボテンが無いですし、砂も無いです。ので、今は諦めなくては成りません。序でにAqueous Accumulator水夫くんも諦めて貰いましょう。かなり先に進めないと科学力が足りません。一昨日来やがれと言われるだけです。諦めが肝心なモッドです。




Monday, August 11, 2014




話し戻して、何故二本かというと材料の差でしょうか?イージーEasyModeだと色々余分な材料をくれるのでザルSieveとかの時間が一寸短縮出来ます。 骨粉大事です。木の一本を諦めて要塞をその分小さくしてその時間を粉ブロックdust集めに当てた方が生き延びれました。へタレだと色々大変です。ハイ。



Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mom was good!

And I got a little free time XD.  So onward we go! (We'll take a break from the funfic unless someone really is wanting them? o.O)

Now, after the construction of your T for trees for-tress, there are 3 things you want to keep in mind if you want to survive.  They are:

1)  You need FOOD!
3)  YOU NEED TO NOT FIGHT!!!! At least until you get more of the first two. :P

Of the three, #3 will be the hardest to do at this time because it will soon be night after the construction of your for-trees.  Much would depend on the version you are playing and whether you feel comfortable with fiddling with some files.

In the version I am playing, the Zombie Awareness(ZA) mod has been turned off at the time of shipping, so to speak.  The ZA mod makes zombies (and maybe other mobs, I'm not sure about this part) make a straight beeline towards you.  This would make it extremely easy to do resource gathering because all you'd have to do is wait until the sun comes out and collect the dropped mats from your trench.  You should have tons of zombie flesh and bones to collect.

On the other hand, if you have ZA turned off, and I wasn't aware of why until later, then you have two options.  One, you can go turn it on by taking off the ".disabled" portion off the file name in the config file in your CL folder.  Two, you can play with it off.  And since I didn't know it was off to begin with I played with it off.  Not all that hard to do really, if we keep in mind the 3 rules above.

One of the biggest disadvantages of not having ZA on is the lack of mob drops.  No tons of zombie flesh to decompose into dirt via ex nihilo barrels for you.  And since you want a lot of dirt, having it off makes life just that much harder for you.  But we can still manage as long as we have our trees, in plural.  And really, having it on might be good but having it off is not too bad.  At least you won't have to worry about the tons of zombies hunting you down later on if and when you chose to travel beyond your base.  And they will.  Hunt you down.  I like having it off XD.



で、ですね?最後にお話したのが木の要塞だったと思うのですがこれが完成する頃には即夜です。 というか自分鈍いので夜頃にしか完成しません。行き当たりばったりだと色々無駄が多いです。で、長い一日が終わって更に長い夜が待っているんですがこの先生き延びるには如何するんでしょうか?


第三法則、戦わずして生き延びるんだ! 特に第一第二が未だ充実していない限り。



Zombie Awarenessというモッドが有りますがこのモッド・パックにも搭載されております。で、Verによってオンにされたりオフにされたりします。運が悪いのか良いのか分かりませんが自分がプレイしだした時はオフにされていたようです。で、ですね?このmodオフとオンでの温度差でプレイスタイルを変えなくてはならなくなります。





Monday, August 4, 2014

Mom's wild weekend

Causes me to have very little playtime.  So more funfics, I guess?

Journal Entry 10:45 GTD 30120412
Having calculated the perimeter of the crashsite and the area which I would have to encompass to create a shelter, I quickly abandoned my initial plans.  Not knowing what sort of creatures may come knocking, I concluded that it might be wiser to devise something small - at least initially.  It would have to be big enough for some trees to grow though as the information I have obtained from the AI unit indicates that organic matter may be my only method of creating usable water at the moment.

Don't want to go too far from the ship though, in case there is a rescue team.  The blaze from the pyrotheum should act as a clear beacon to any ships passing by searching for my whereabouts.  Too hot to stay around it though.

Journal Entry 11:30 GTD 30120412
It feels so hot.  Progress is slow but steady.  I'm keeping my eyes on the surrounding area and still no signs of life other than myself.  Maybe my worries are unfounded.  Still.

The trench I'm digging hopefully will be deep enough to 'trap' any entity that approaches the walls of my enclosure.  Hopefully they aren't much taller than I am.  This trench and the wall I'll be building soon will hopefully be enough to keep me safe until I am rescued or I am able to create a safer stronghold.

That's a lot of hopeful.

Journal Entry 14:45 GTD 30120312
The trench is finally done.  It'll have to do as I still have to work on the wall.  Anything that drops into that pit will mostly likely not be able to climb out.  Easy to fall into, difficult to climb out.  Best sort of defense I can come up with in this situation.  Best be careful to not fall in there myself.  Not that I couldn't climb out after removing a piece of this dust.  But at the current depth, it would be impossible unless I break a block to jump up on.

That piece of dirt and sapling from the AI are my only hopes for keeping alive so I'd best doing my best to protect it as well as I can.  By my calculations (my math skills are horrendous), the trench had to be at least wide enough to give me 5 sq across so the tree could grow safely.  No roof though as the tree should provide a cool canopy overhead once it's grown.  And since I need it to grow as quickly as possible best to set it down now since the trench seems to be the correct width.  It should even give me enough room to put down a workbench or two.

Imagine that, able to travel amongst the stars and now, I'm reduced to using my bare hands to dig dirt.  Progress, I tell  you.

Journal Entry 17:15 GTD 30120312
The sun is almost setting.  And the tree still hasn't grown.  The water in the camel pack is starting to reach critical levels.  I'm so hungry.  At least the wall is finally done.  What to do next?  Maybe a small 'roof' in the corner to shield me from sight.  The workbench will provide some coverage.  Just in case.

Journal Entry 17:30 GTD 30120312
OMG!  There are so many of them.  And the tree still hasn't grown.
I forgot I had some bonemeal on me. Just in time too.  I can hear the scuttling growing louder.  I'm so hot, the sweat won't stop.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Crash Landing FunFic?

Journal Entry:  08:00GTD 301204012
GOD DAMMED THOSE FURRY BLUE BALLS born of a lowly worm! "It'll be fine," they said. "No need to worry about the single engine design," they said.  "Perfectly safe," they said. 

I'll show them what's safe, when I get my hands on their scrawny necks!  Argghhh!!!
Nice skylight.  Well, that's out of my system.

Journal Entry: 08:10GTD 30120412
First things first.  Thanks be the Force for keeping me alive so I will have the opportunity to eventually correct the notions of those blue furballs.

Initial observations.  It's dammed hot.  And unfortunately, the only water in sight was salty.  Very salty.   I believe the water tank must have leaked into the planet surface.  And since it was perfectly fine to drink when I was in flight I suppose this means something from the planet must have mixed into the water to make it salty.

Journal Entry:  08:45GTD 30120412
The initial observation would be correct.  Apparently the planetary 'dust' is composed of a variety of material we can sift.  Luckily, I never leave home without my sieve.  Too bad, I even left home to begin with.

.....Mustn't let the situation get to me.  THINK ABOUT WRINGING SOME BALLS BLUE.  A rather cheerful thought, that.

Amazingly enough, those blue balls did manage to put an AI on to the ship, although it's barely functional, beggars can't be choosing.  It's been a fairly useful source of information.

Journal Entry:  09:15GTD 30120412
Having initiated a few tasks for the AI, I have managed to now obtain a camel pack and a few bottles of water, some of them are even cold.  Probably save the cold ones for later, just in case I overheat.  Who would have thought though, that instead of drinking the water, you put it in your pack to cool you off.  Those camels from ancient Earth, genius, I tell you.

Journal Entry:  09:45 GTD 30120412
It's still hot.  And though this camel pack is helping, the water is depleting with every tick of the clock.  Without some renewable source of water soon, I'll be........

Anyway, the AI has indicated that I should be able to use the Fluid Transposers to convert saplings into water.  It does need energy though.

The leftover sandwiches also help the food situation for the moment, but it won't be lasting forever.  I must do something to rectify this situation.

Journal Entry:  10:30 GTD 30120412
I've received some ominous indications that I may not be alone on this planet.  The AI is suggesting I make a knife blade.  He is also suggesting that I decontaminate dead flesh before consumption.  This would indicate to me that there is something I need to defend myself against.  Why else would you need to make a knife?  And that if successful I am to consume their flesh to survive.  I can always hope it'll be a pig, I suppose?

Either way, I should think about shelter I think as this pot-hole ridden ship bodes ill for me if there is something not so friendly.  This flat terrain doesn't offer much in terms of defense.  That survival experience in those treacherous caverns comes in handy now.  I'll need something to prevent the hostile natives from invading my base, just in case.  A trench perhaps for them to fall into and a wall surrounding the compound to hide behind.  I wonder what the inhabitants are like though.  Hostile or friendly?  Best to be safe I suppose.

ええっと、今日は一寸悪戯で、もし本当にCrash Landingしていたら如何いう具合に感じていただろうかと思いながら日記風日記を付けてみました。中々難しい感じです。英語でしか書かないかもです。日記部分。

という訳です。今日は実際のCrash Landing似非講座はないと思います。大体初代要塞に魂使い果たしましたので。と言いたい所ですが実際はPnuematic Craftに無い頭使い捲くっているので中々気力が沸きません。矢張り思った程優しくないです。と言うかなんかめんどくさそうな気が・・・・・・