Friday, September 19, 2014









So, I had a flood for some reason.  Woke up after a power nap and my bedroom floor was wet.  Really wet.  Like an inch or so of water, wet. 

Ran to the bathroom and for some reason, the water faucet was running in the tub.  Overflowing,  you might say. 

Took about 3 or 4 hours before I could get rid of most of the water.  Got to bed at 3 a.m. and went to work.  The carpeted areas are still soaking.  Thinking about cutting them out - after I get a new pair of scissors.  Maybe a stronger one this time that won't break?

So, I'm cleaning up the house.  For a while. 

At least I should have a clean house at the end of this.  SO, maybe I'll be back after this is all over.  Maybe not.  Maybe I'll be on another pack by then.  Or maybe not.  Who knows......

And the reason for the flooding?  Snores away peacefully,  without a clue on what's going on...........

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