Friday, July 25, 2014

Crash Landing ~I think I might make it!

So, watched a couple of youtube videos on the modpack and I was wanting to try it out.  It is, after all, a skyblock on solid ground - definitely better than hanging over the void with your twitchy pinky  as the only lifeline.  Unlike skyblock though, it has a ton of mob that just come at you in all directions once it's night.  A scary thought to someone who normally plays on peaceful.

Anyway, it took a couple of time to even get it to download.  Either it's popular or I have bad internet.  Of the two, I think the later more likely.  It is possible though so keep at it if you want to try it.  If not, I believe there is a direct link in the forum page for the modpack if you look through it a bit.  But geez, even downloading this thing is hard, imagine how hard it's going to actually playing the thing.

And it is hard.  Much harder than Agrarian Skies, though much easier than Blood and Bones - thank god!  And you'll likely die a few times before you find a system that works for you.  But maybe a few ideas on what to do would be helpful - for me, so I can remember what I need to do when I have to restart this thing after dying.  And you'll have to restart because this is HARDCORE - means you die and boom goes your world.

Or does it? o.o  There is a sync box in no, if you set that contraption up you'll have extra lives like Agrarian Skies.  Unlike AS though, they only give you the first one - the rest you have to go make for yourself.  A real survivalist planet, this place.  Good thing about this pack though is if you die, all you need to do is create a new world and it seems to plop you into the same starter world.  You don't have to continually get a saved copy into the folder or go find the map to download again. 

Anyway, onto the points to remember when you first start off in this map.  And this is in the easy mode - because I'm a hetare and I know it.

1)  Do the first few quest - especially the one that gives you a CAMELPACK.  Also do the quest that gives you the dirt.  Once you get the CAMELPACK, craft the WATER BOTTLE into the pack to fill it up and put it on.  Reserve the COLD WATER for EMERGENCY PURPOSE ONLY. 

2)  Set-up your base.  You do this by digging a 2 block deep trench around your base and then build up a 2 block high wall around the perimeter of your base.  Once this is done, the only mob that can penetrate your base would be spiders.  Unless you get unlucky and an endermen decides to take a piece of your wall.  Or maybe a creeper decides to blow up your wall. 

3)  Do more of your quests.  It gives you more resources like water - you'll need a lot of it to keep cool.

4)  Get working on your water production.  You seem to have two options in the beginning to keep a steady stream of water going.  You can use the Fluid Transposer you are given to create water from saplings.  This takes quite a bit of saplings.  And it only takes saplings so your ability to create water would be limited if you chose to go this route.  Instead if you go the DIRT + GLASS BOTTLE = DIRT WATER route then all you'd need is a furnace to make clean water - which can go into your camelpack which will keep you better hydrated than directly drinking the water.

So if you go the second route, you need to work on making dirt.  Lots of dirt.  Don't you wish you could access your AS octuple dirt block just now.........






でも、クエストしても貰える水限られています。ので、水を作りましょう。Modpack製作者さん水嫌いなのか最近のバージョンでは雨を止めています。お負けに永久水源見つかり次第潰しています。つまりですね?永久水源の作れる方法が見つかり次第出来ないように細工してくれています。皆さん律儀にご報告しています。ので、サクサク水増し作業に取り掛からないと脱水症で落ちます。実際落ちました。 何回か。


ので、第二方法で水を創ります。これもクエストで習えます。DIRT+GLASS BOTTLE=DIRTWATERです。つまり土をガラス瓶に詰めると泥水が出来ます。土に水分が有ったんですね?パサパサの土で無くて良かったです。でも泥水なので飲んでもお腹壊すだけです。実際に壊しました。消毒の為に竈に入れてから駱駝楽だです。でもって竈って丸石入りますよね?コツコツdustをザルに掛けましょう。丸石六個で造れます。SlabFurnaceです。


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