Crash landing, that is. At least, with Zombie Awareness turned off as it is now in the launcher. Though since the mob grieving is off, maybe even with the mod on, it might be easy. In fact, it might be even easier because you get more mats. The key - at least for me, is to sleep through the night since ZA is off. Thank god, this isn't BnB, yeh?
So, we've done a few quest as soon as we start - the camel pack quest and the dirt quest. Now, I like to grab everything I can in the box, the fluid transposers, etc., and get out of the shuttle remains. Why, you ask? Because it's right next to a hot, heating source, your damaged fuel engine. It's spilling the blazing pyrotheum and staying next to it apparently will raise your temperature. And raising your temperature makes you dehydrate faster. Which makes your water deplete faster. Which means you need to get moving even faster on water production. Which means you'll be moving around faster than ever and depleting your food bar. And so on and so forth. It was exhausting. Yes, I did it like that once and exhausted myself to death. You can also accidentally walk into a fire that the spilled fuel will occasionally cause and burn yourself to near death. And no, I didn't do that.
What do we do, though when we get out of the shuttle? We need to go build us a safe place to spend the night because we still don't have a bed. So build a house? Nope, we first start by digging a trench 2 blocks deep - yes, it follows the path of many a Youtuber. After digging the trench, we'll have a few dust stacks in our inventory and we'll use these to build a 2 block high wall so the mobs won't come in or see you. Except the darn spiders.
Now, unlike the Youtuber though, I know I suck at monster killing. Because, I built one like the Youtubers and kept dying to spiders or starving from swinging too much. Boohoo. So to minimize my chance of fighting and dying - and also to conserve on my hunger because fighting will cause your bar to deplete fast too - I don't make an open square courtyard surrounding my downed space shuttle. Instead, I go about building a "T" for-tress. What's a "T" for-tress (or T for-trees, as I like to think of it)? It's the same thing as the youtuber's initial structure that's in a T shape
First, walk away (doesn't have to be too far) from the shuttle in the opposite direction of the fuel tank. Pick a place to put down your dirt block and plant the tree - this will be the "-" part of the T. Dig your trench - keep in mind you'll probably want at least enough room for 3 trees eventually. Your T "|" is a walkway from the shuttle to the "-" section. This will be only 1 block wide but still 2 blocks high. So, if you just happen to be standing here, the spider will look down on you from above, and you'll smile. I did. Got me a nice bunch of string and eyes. The "-" portion though needs to be wider so the trees can grow, I like to make mine about 5 blocks across so I have some work room. This, however, means that spiders can get to you if you stay in this section. So what to do?
Grow a tree. Yes, get yourself some bonemeal quickly by sieving the dust - if you're doing the hard map, otherwise just use the stuff in your inventory. Use it all up if you have to but get yourself a full grown tree. Or hope it grows by the time it's night. And with that, you now have a natural roof for your fortress. The bottom leave portions you can crook or sheer when you get a furnace and iron. And the spider will now only come from one direction, not jump down on you, surprise! Besides, it seems so much cooler with a roof over your head and this roof can be expanded to the length of your "-" by placing a new dirt block and tree further away from the first tree.
At any rate, this works for me and I'm alive for the first time, after so many restarts so I'm sticking to this layout. Especially since it'll let you make some murder holes later for mob disposal once you have a few extra planks, cobble or anything that won't be dropping like sand,gravel and dust when you dig it out from below. But that's later. Right now our concern is survival of the night because it still isn't over yet. Mobs, thirst, food, weapons and armor so many things to still do.........
ピースフルじゃないけど。じゃなかったら暑さの余り幻覚が見えて来ているとか?兎に角Crash Landingかなり面白いです。一応前回の続きとしてクエストを二、三個程してCamelPackと土を手に入れるとします。では、これからは何をすればいいんでしょうか?
なので、自分的に合った広さを考えてみましたらこぢんまりとした中庭が出来上がりました。形からして"T" for-tress略して「Tの要塞」です。英語ダジャレとして for - trees(木の為)で浮かんだ命名でした。
適当な距離が出来たら土を置き、苗木を植えます。この辺りを"T" の横棒 ー とします。理想としては大体木を三本程植林する予定です。初期段階では。後、作業場もいるので適当な広さと長さを目指します。適当が多いですね?当然です遣りながら見つけた方法なので深く考えない方が良いです。適当にやっても大丈夫です。自分的に。
堀を掘ります。Tを目指します。大体苗木を置く感覚は土、周りに一ブロックの空間。次の苗木を置く前に此処も一ブロック空間置いてから真ん中に土を置く感覚で掘っていきました。で、できれば作業台とか置けたらいいなという感じに ー の広さも適当に遣っていたらなんとか出来て後は|の縦棒は蜘蛛対策と言うか幅を一ブロックにしたら降ってこれないだろうなと言う適当な理由から人が一人通れる広さにしました。なので蜘蛛が上に見えた時ニンマリ。降りてコレないじゃん。えへへへって笑っていました。
色々進んでます。 |