Thursday, April 24, 2014



マップは何時ものSkyblockなのですがちょっとMOD馴れをしておきたいので此方の慣れ親しんだマップで又遊んでみようと思っています。実際はAgrarian Skyという冒険Skyblock編を遊びたかったのですが慣れていないMODが一杯導入されていて行き成りはちょっと無理っぽいと 身の程を弁えまして先ず此方から。出来るだけ冒険Agrarian Skyと同じ機能MODを導入して遊んでから実際のAgrarianに挑戦してみようかと目論んでいたりします。ハイ。



と言う訳で。先ず、導入したMODについて。FORGE 1.6.4 ( )これが無いと始まりません。
それから今回のSkyblockの為にex nihilo(ex nihilo)とex aliquo (ex aliquo)を導入。これだけでもSkyblockが見間違える程簡単に成りました。
他にも色々のMODを入れましたが先ずex nihiloに慣れてから手を広げて行こうと企んだりして。ハイ。


Yeah, so I FINALLY FINISHED MY FIRST SKYBLOCK CHALLENGE!  Probably get around to posting some pics later.  But now that I've finished that challenge, I found another skyblock I wanted to try.  Agrarian Sky (AS)!  But it keeps spawning me in the void q.q.  And I couldn't find the starter maps so I decided to try ex nihilo instead - especially because AS seems to have so many mods and this would actually be the first time I might actually play with mods - other than the occassional remi's map.  (I've found some copies of the starter maps since then).

So downloaded forge, ex nihilo and a few other mods and trying it out on the old skyblock map I just completed and boy, does it make skyblock so easy.  Makes me want to cry, seeing as how easy skyblock can be with just the ex nihilo mod installed.  With just using ex nihilo add-ons I've completed my tree farm, animal farm, pumpkin and melon farm, temp sugar cane farm, mob tower, collection area all in less than 3 days.  And with less playtime too.  It took so long to do this with just vanilla skyblock.  q.q

Any way, I figure I need a place to keep a note on how to do things with these mods and since the blog would be accessible from any pc a few post here and there will probably be devoted to the various functions available from the mods I installed.  Much easier for me to keep track of instead of looking it up on youtube every single time.

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