Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I so wanted to play that mod for so long since I first saw it on youtube.  I mean, it's a modded skyblock! With a bunch of quests! And I was so disappointed for a long time because I kept spawning in the void q.q I still kept trying ever so often though and when I tried this morning!!!!! O.O it had a MAP - and it never did before.  So maybe someone somewhere fixed it for those of us who had no idea of how to get it to work otherwise?  Either way, THANK YOU UNKNOWN ENTITY!!!  (maybe it was the mod author, jadecat XD)

Any way, I'm so excited and scared at the same time.  Because I finally get to play this and you only have 2 lives.  I think there is a way to get more lives - at least Youtubers seem to have a greater number of lives than that but maybe I'll just try it like this for now. Me, on hardcore q.q  Either way, I'm SO HAPPY!  (guess you can tell? XD)

So, starting off we have the quest book and a bunch of quests we can start off with.  Nice narration, by the way, of the opening story.  Really sets the mood for the quests.  First is to make a bunch of plank – so I go and take the oak tree sapling and bone meal from the chest (yes, there's a chest with a bunch of goodies inside to start you off).  Out to the one block of dirt in the fenced yard area and plop goes the oak tree.  Now pray for an apple because the number one cause of death other than falling is most likely to be starvation.  At least early on, when you start that is.  Because the island is not big enough to let anything spawn - yet.  And besides, this is minecraft so to start you need to go punch a tree.

With bonemeal in hand, pop goes the tree and now it’s time to get more saplings and APPLES!  Trying not to move around too much before I get more food, now comes the mod in action.  Taking the 4 planks I made for the quest – which by the way gave me an apple and some sort of pick as a reward – I now make a work bench.  Converting 2 more logs, I then go on to make 2 crooks. 

What is a crook?  It’s an item from the ex nihilo mod pack that will let you ‘hit’ leaves and get more things to drop than normal, like saplings, apples and SILKWORMS!  Silkworms, you ask?  Yes, silkworms.  These creatures are also an added feature of ex nihilo (at least I think it's from ex nihilo) that serve a duo purpose for us. 

What do they do?  Well, first off, if you were really desperate for food because the apples simple aren't dropping even with a crook, you can cook up these little squishy wishies and have a crunchy little protein snacks.  Yes, you can actually eat those things like Bear Grylls.  Just don't think too much on it or think escargot if you have to.  Not that I eat that either but come to think of it, I do eat lobster and they are suppose to be related to those big brown things whose name we will not mention for fear of summoning them.  

Any way, going back to the usefulness of silkworms, their most useful purpose besides being a snack is the fact they can produce silken threads aka cobwebs aka string!  Yes, you no longer need a spider to get string.  Hooray!  All you do is release a silkworm onto the leaves of a tree and they will start turning the leaves white with their silken threads.  When the tree is entirely white, it's time to harvest the string.  When you hit the leaves to get their drops, instead of the normal saplings and apples, you will end up with a bunch of thread drops!  The only thing to remember about these worm infested trees is that they do NOT drop saplings so making sure you have a few saplings before infecting a tree is essential.  It is also good to remember that they will spread so if you don't want it to spread it's probably best to do this on an isolated tree far from your usually wood production area.

Now, you might be asking yourself, why would I want to produce a bunch of string?  Do I need a bow or maybe I need the wool to make a bed, you might think?  Well, no.  Thanks to ex nihilo, the string is an important component in crafting the other tool, the sieve.  But I'm jumping ahead of myself.  What you actually want before the sieve, is the barrel.  But I'll work on that tomorrow.  Once I get more saplings and food.......

日からMODAgrarian Skiesの実況プレイ日記を開始したいと思います!今迄マップが如何してもDL出来なかったようで悔しい思いをしておりました。スポーンで即落ち死でし た。が、今日DLしてみたらマップが!と言う訳で本日よりプレイ日記を付けて行こうという成り行き次第です。

ずはスポーンして回りを確認。キョロキョロ。綺麗な家が建ています。中華風味?自分じゃ到底作り様が無い程の代物で何やらこれからが思い遣られる。何時も 豆腐ハウス。取り敢えず気を取り直して、本を開いて見ました。すると何処から摩訶不思議声が!物語の始まりを殊更丁寧に説明してくださいます。

でも悪の軍勢が雪崩れ込んで世界を混沌に導こうとしていた処三大賢者が立ちはだかったのです。何とか悪を滅ぼし侵略を止めたのですが物質世界が可也破壊さ れた為、貴方の助けを貰い此れから又物質有機物様々なモノを作り出して世界を元通りに、復活を目指します。只今貴方が住むだけの小さな島、家、そしてチェ ストが無事に保存できただけでも有難い状況な様です。色々と大変そうです。他人事です。 取り敢えずマインクラフトなので木でも殴ろう。

チェ ストの中を見れば様々なものが納まっており、第一クエスト項目木材板(wood plank)を四個ほど作る事から始まるそうです。Bone mealも在りますので取り敢えず、Oak Tree の苗木を手に取りBone meal共々外出。囲いの中に一ブロックだけの土がありますので木を植え骨分で成長を促します。

さて此処で敢えてOak Treeの選択ですが何故Birch(白蒲)やSpruceでは無いのかというと林檎が欲しいからです。大抵Agrarian Skies初期即死原因は餓死では無いだろうか?と思っていたりもします。落ち死より餓死です。空腹。それは肉バーが徐々に減り気付いたら死んでいたと言う落ちです。イヤです。落ち死は納得逝きます。餓死は駄目です。なので先ずは食料保管活動。人間衣食住です。住は既に立派なものを貰い受けました。衣はこの場合防具等の類の物ですが初期段階では島が小さ過ぎてモブ発生条件がクリアーできていません。要は沸く隙無しだそうです(受け売りです)。

先ず、木を植えます。骨分を使って育てます。木を数ブロック切り取り(完全に切り倒さず)板を作ります木材を。第一クエスト達成です。これでcrafting table作業台を作ります。此処から最初のMODを使います。クルックcrookを作っていきます。

『Crook』てなんですか?何故Crookが必要なのでしょうか?Crookとはex nihiloと言うMODの道具で葉っぱを手で叩き落とす代わりCrookを使って叩くと苗木と林檎が落ちる確率を上げてくれます。Skyblockでは有難い道具です。おまけとして蚕も落としてくれます。ハイ、蚕です。




Thursday, April 24, 2014



マップは何時ものSkyblockなのですがちょっとMOD馴れをしておきたいので此方の慣れ親しんだマップで又遊んでみようと思っています。実際はAgrarian Skyという冒険Skyblock編を遊びたかったのですが慣れていないMODが一杯導入されていて行き成りはちょっと無理っぽいと 身の程を弁えまして先ず此方から。出来るだけ冒険Agrarian Skyと同じ機能MODを導入して遊んでから実際のAgrarianに挑戦してみようかと目論んでいたりします。ハイ。



と言う訳で。先ず、導入したMODについて。FORGE 1.6.4 ( )これが無いと始まりません。
それから今回のSkyblockの為にex nihilo(ex nihilo)とex aliquo (ex aliquo)を導入。これだけでもSkyblockが見間違える程簡単に成りました。
他にも色々のMODを入れましたが先ずex nihiloに慣れてから手を広げて行こうと企んだりして。ハイ。


Yeah, so I FINALLY FINISHED MY FIRST SKYBLOCK CHALLENGE!  Probably get around to posting some pics later.  But now that I've finished that challenge, I found another skyblock I wanted to try.  Agrarian Sky (AS)!  But it keeps spawning me in the void q.q.  And I couldn't find the starter maps so I decided to try ex nihilo instead - especially because AS seems to have so many mods and this would actually be the first time I might actually play with mods - other than the occassional remi's map.  (I've found some copies of the starter maps since then).

So downloaded forge, ex nihilo and a few other mods and trying it out on the old skyblock map I just completed and boy, does it make skyblock so easy.  Makes me want to cry, seeing as how easy skyblock can be with just the ex nihilo mod installed.  With just using ex nihilo add-ons I've completed my tree farm, animal farm, pumpkin and melon farm, temp sugar cane farm, mob tower, collection area all in less than 3 days.  And with less playtime too.  It took so long to do this with just vanilla skyblock.  q.q

Any way, I figure I need a place to keep a note on how to do things with these mods and since the blog would be accessible from any pc a few post here and there will probably be devoted to the various functions available from the mods I installed.  Much easier for me to keep track of instead of looking it up on youtube every single time.